The New York Times
December 14, 1909
Lived Six Months with Fractured Spine—Autoist Sued for $100,000.
Special to The New York Times.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 13.—After a battle for life of almost six months Dr. Charles Green, a retired physician of Greenville, Del., died to-day in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital from a fractured spine. He was injured on June 19 by being run down by an automobile while driving on the Kennet Turnpike near his home. The machine belonged to Jason C. Noblitt of Chaddsford, Penn. County Engineer James Wilson, who was with Dr. Green, was injured, both his legs being broken.
Since the accident happened Noblitt has sold his farm at Chaddsford and has removed with his family, it is said, to Florida. It was announced to-day that suits for damages have been instituted in the United States Circuit Court here against Noblitt. Damages to the amount of $100,000 are claimed by Green's heirs and $50,000 is sought by Wilson for his injuries. It is charged that the accident was caused by Noblitt's negligence.