The New York Times
December 20, 1909
Complete Display to be Made by Salon at Grand Central Palace.
Not since the Importers' Automobile Salon held their own show has there been an exhibition of foreign cars to equal that which will be made at the Grand Central Palace when this organization will show with the A. M. C. M. A. At this show last year the elaborate display of foreign cars was favorably commented on, but it is the intention of the Salon to make the display this year one of the most complete and elaborate ever made.
Though the organization is small in numbers it has reserved 12,000 square feet of floor space, and even this is hardly large enough for them to show the many models and wonderful improvements made in foreign cars for 1910. Last year "Foreigners' Row" was a favorite gathering place, but the chances are that at the show that opens New Year's Eve it will have attractions for every show visitor on account of the elaborate detail and general air of completeness characterizing the exhibits. The members of the Salon are:
W. H. Barnard, Delahaye; Paul La Croix, Renault; E. R. Hollander, Fiat; A. Massenet, Panhard; Harry Fosdick, Lancia; F. Voigt, C. G. V.; G. Ozanne, De Dion; Brewster & Co., Delaunay, J. W. De Lamater, Hatchkiss; Sidney B. Bowman, Clement; Emerson Brooks, Isotta, and General Manager Walter R. Lee. They have been at work almost constantly since the close of the show last year in order to make the display what it will be. Several of these exhibitors have imported show cars direct from the famous Olympia Show in London, last month, and this show, which was considered the biggest and best ever held in London, will be duplicated in miniature at the Grand Central Palace for one week, beginning Dec. 31.