The New York Times
December 19, 1909
Buffalo Wants Improved Roadway to Niagara Falls.
Special to The New York Times.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Dec. 18.—Further efforts are about to be made to connect Buffalo and Niagara Falls by a magnificent boulevard. Although the trip is one of the most picturesque in the country, automobile clubs and other organizations which have taken up the subject of improved roadways have utterly failed up to now to get results.
One of the worst roads around Western New York is the one between this city and Niagara Falls. It is possible that a bill will be submitted to the Legislature providing a scheme for building a wide boulevard along the river, the expense to be borne in part by the State and by the three municipalities which would be chiefly benefited, Buffalo, Tonawanda, and Niagara Falls. Across the Niagara River, Canadians have been more alive to their interests and have begun the construction of a boulevard from the Horseshoe Falls through the village of Chippewa, and thence along the shore to Bridgeburg and Fort Erie.