The New York Times
December 26, 1909
Heavy Increase Registration Dues in State of Massachusetts.
Special to The New York Times.
BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 24.—The number of automobiles registered and chauffeurs' licenses granted by the Highway Department this month is the greatest of any corresponding period. During the current month 3,125 autos have been registered and the aggregate amount received from fees totals $43,582, against $30,450 for the same period last year, an increase of 41 per cent. In addition to the huge number of automobiles recorded, this year's registration represents 220 operators and chauffeurs' licenses granted and 2,191 renewals of licenses. The number of motor cycles registered for the month is 24, and those granted to dealers in motor vehicles 128, while 184 examinations of applicants for licenses have been held by the department.
While it is probable that many applicants for registration numbers will have to wait for the same for a week or so after Jan. 1, it is proposed to furnish the operators' licenses to all who apply for them by that date, and if necessary an extra force of clerks will be kept at work in order to send out the licenses by Jan. 1.