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The New York Times
April 30, 1914
Nearly Double on Value Exports of Other Vehicles—Auto License Plates Assigned.
Exports of American automobiles, motor trucks and motor cycles are now almost double in value the exports of all other kinds of vehicles combined, including railroad and street cars, as shown by a comparison of Government figures made by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. For the eight months ending with February the total value of motor vehicles exported, including automobile engines, tires and parts, was $23,337,332. During the same period the exports of all other vehicles and parts, except steam locomotives, amounted to $12,529,844. Locomotives brought up the total to roughly $15,000,000. Motor car exports have increased steadily, while imports have declined. For the eight-month periods ending with February 1912, 1913 and 1914, respectively, we exported 12,347 motor vehicles, worth $12,000,000; 14,488, worth $14,852,000, and 16,883, worth $15,716,000. During the same periods we imported 717 motor vehicles, worth $1,572,000; 569, worth $1,329,000, and 230, worth 529,000, respectively. Government reports show that the exports of automobile from the port of New York during March of this year were 38 per cent. greater than those in February, 2,479 cars having been shipped as compared with 1,797 in February and 1,821 in January. The total value of vehicles and parts shipped in March, exclusive of engines and tires was $2,204,388.
As a means of gathering timely information on a number of important topics the Metropolitan Section of the Society of Automobile Engineers has organized several special research committees. By summarizing what has been accomplished already and indicating theoretical limitations it is believed that the members will receive benefit. General reports to the section are to be made to the committees, which are made up as follows:
Gas-Electric Vehicles.—Beecroft, David, Chairman; Kennedy, William R.; Nilson, Lars G.
Kerosene Carburetors.—Browne, A. B., Chairman; Rautenstrauch, W.; Tracy, Joseph; Whitman, Roger B.
Greases.—Martin, H. M., Chairman; Bradfield, George K.; Parish, W. F.; Prossen, L. P.
Non-Electric Continuous Torque Transmission.—Dieterich, L. M., Chairman; Machol, Morris; Cautley, John R.
Engine Characteristics.—Breese, James L.; Busby, Lloyd G.; Lloyd, Robert McA.; Porter, Finley R.; Power, W. M.
Governors.—Slade, Arthur J., Chairman; Fletcher, C. W.; McComb, H. G.
A record showing the assignment of automobile license numbers in the three sub-divisions of the State was issued yesterday by Mitchell May, Secretary of State. For pleasure cars, New York City has been assigned 63,000 numbers, running from 1,000 to 5,999, and from 8,000 to 65,999. Albany gets 34,000 numbers, from 66,000 to 99,999, and Buffalo 29,996 numbers, from A2 and including A9,999, from B1 to B9,999, and from C1 to C9,999. For commercial cars New York City gets 13,000; Albany 2,500, from 17,501 to 20,000, and Buffalo 4,500, from 13,001 to 17,500. The dealers' plates for New York City are 800 in number, running from 6,000 to 6,799; for Albany 600, running from 7,400 to 7,999, and for Buffalo 600, from 6,800 to 7,399.
Three exhibitions of moving pictures, with lectures and music, are to be given at the Automobile Club of America on Tuesday afternoons, May 5 and 12, and on Tuesday evening, May 19, for members and their guests. On the second afternoon pictures especially attractive to children will be shown. The reels include views of the recent Vanderbilt and Grand Prize automobile races, touring scenes and moving pictures of parts of a chassis in motion. A test of some of the reels and slides was held at the A. C. A. yesterday.