The New York Times
April 17, 1914
Mrs. Hutchins, on Her Way to Police, Hurt as Auto is Wrecked.
Following a collision between an automobile and a trolley car at Fourteenth Avenue and South Tenth Street, Newark, early yesterday, in which five persons were injured painfully, it was revealed that the party was on the way to Newark Police Headquarters to notify the authorities of a death threat that had been made on the life of Mrs. James Hutchins by her husband, who is in Pittsburgh, Penn.
Word of the death threat was received by Chief of Police Galligher of Montclair from the Pitrsburgh police, who requested that Miss Frieda Sorensen, a relative of Mrs. Hutchins, of 250 Bellevue Avenue, Upper Montclair, be notified that Hutchins had left Pittsburgh declaring that he would kill his wife on sight.
In an automobile owned and driven by Stanley Mitton, of 443 Grove Street, Upper Montclair, Miss Sorensen hurried to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Obie Cole of 276 Fourteenth Avenue, Newark, where Mrs. Hutchins has been staying since being separated from her husband.
In the machine at the time of the collision were the Coles, Mrs. Hutchins, Miss Sorensen and Mr. Mitton, the driver. The car was wrecked.