The New York Times
April 5, 1914
Manufacturer After Examining the Eastern Market is Hopeful.
Factory automobile men who have recently been touring the country sizing up the general market declare that business conditions to-day are from 20 to 30 per cent. better than ninety days ago. Credit, of course, is given to restored business confidence and the increasing favor with which the country at large is viewing the administration. According to Henry H. Hower, one of the manufacturers, who has recently completed a swing through the East, visiting New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other Eastern points, the pick-up in business in the last ninety days, and especially during the last few weeks, has been very marked.
"It is, I believe, indicative of a strong, steady Summer and Autumn business," said he last week. "Our orders for the current year are now ahead of last season, and, after a close study of sales conditions, I believe it is not going too far to say that in many classes of cars there will be a shortage before many weeks have passed. Of course, such a condition is always healthy, and the time is probably past when general car shortage will cause wildcat manufacturing institutions to spring up almost overnight."