The New York Times
April 5, 1914
Reformed Spelling Marks Letters Received by Local Company.
The sales department of a local automobile company receives some odd letters from prospective purchasers and others, especially amusing in their original long-hand state. Following is a short sample:
"I apreash you ofor and think the car is a good value for that price, I can not full full you ofor but will dry to get some of my friends to got a car in this neabor hood for a Demorstater. I have an 5 Pasanger if it was not for my familey I wood have the runabout.
"I will call and see you when I come later on. exquse this writing I was in a hurry."
This is another example, concerning trucks:
"Send me your Catalogee & Prise and Termes. I Think I can Plase a 1 Tun Truck for you if your can Giv the Party 1 or 2 years time on Sa ½ Half. The Party I speak of Wants the Truck to Cary U. S. M. 17 miles on Sand Road Will yours truck Pull a Sand Road Loded. if you think it will I am Prity sure We can Sell him a $750 Tun Truck the Truck must Be a Wid Tred as all Waguns has a Wid Tred Please let me no at once."
The company is making a collection of exhibits in this character.