Topics: Manhattan Automobile Club
The New York Times
April 25, 1914
Manhattan A. C. Fails After a Year's Struggle—Motor Men Show Little Interest.
Schwartzkopf's Plan to Establish Formidable Rival to A. C. A. Gets Meagre Support.
After a lingering existence extending a trifle over a year the Manhattan Automobile Club has made an assignment to Samuel A. E. Stern with liabilities of $12,000 and assets of $15,000, the latter largely consisting of unpaid stock subscriptions. The club, which was organized during the Winter of 1913, occupied three floors of the fashionable Gainsborough Studios building, 222 West Fifty-ninth street, and was intended as a formidable rival to the Automobile Club of America. The stock was sold principally to Western automobile men and the lack of local interest in the club was responsible for its present condition.
An effort will be made to reorganize the club by affiliating with the Motor Contest Association, which embraces a number of New York automobile men in its membership. Just how far the reorganization has progressed could not be learned as the club officials were reluctant to discuss the affairs of the club.
With the launching of the Manhattan Automobile Club the promoters held out alluring prospects of the organization becoming the leading automobile club in America. Stock was sold to men connected with the automobile industry. It was announced that the club had a membership of more than 2,000, but not more than 300 names were on the membership list. The rooms were richly furnished, and an effort made to induce the members to form a luncheon club, but this project fell through. The attendance of the members fell off until it became necessary to close the doors.
Secretary-Treasurer Schwartzkopf, who was the prime mover in the organization of the club, admitted last night that a receiver had been appointed, but he felt sure it would be only temporary. Reorganization plans were well under way, he said, and he hoped early next week to be able to make an announcement regarding the future of the club. He declined to give any particulars regarding the club's failure except to say the stockholders were behind in their payment.
A. B. Cordner is the President of the club, but C. R. Budlong was slated to succeed him on May 1. Harry Bronner is Vice President and E. E. Schwartzkopf filled the dual position of Secretary-Treasurer.