The New York Times
April 26, 1914
They Are Vital to Retain Compression and Prevent Oil Leakage.
"The demand for a highly efficient piston ring is growing more rapidly than the demand for almost any other motor part."
This statement in an article in a recent number of The Horseless Age shows that the automobile owner realizes the importance of studying the function and checking up the performance of the various parts of the motor. This has led to the discovery that the piston ring contributes much toward the attainment of satisfaction, comfort, and economy in the operation of a car.
The explanation is simple once the proper function of the piston ring and its relation to the production of power is understood—viz., to prevent the escape of gas from the combustion chamber when undergoing the necessary compression and to keep out surplus oil working up from the crank case. To do this a piston ring must be perfectly fitted or seated to the cylinder, its radial expansion must be equal throughout its entire circumference, and not only equal but sustained. It must not have any unsealed openings, cuts or expansion vents, because such openings make any quality of gas or oil proofness impossible.