The New York Times
April 26, 1914
Where Automobilists Must Be Careful Within 100 Miles Radius.
Where ministers of the Gospel, Bishops, and Cabinet officers have not escaped there is no reason for believing that the American tourist will be immune from arrest in England for exceeding the rules of the road established by the Motor Car act of 1903, and it is for the special benefit of these and other tourists that the Automobile Association has published a map revealing the police traps within a 100-mile radius of London.
Of course, this map must not be taken as literally accurate, as police traps are mobile, and are promptly moved up or down a road or to a neighboring point when marked down, and, after this bold publication of actual traps, all verified by the Automobile Association by the arrest of certain of its members, there may be a general shuffle for the purpose of trapping the enthusiastic tourist and his new car from abroad.