![]() Automotive News Briefs: December 31, 1922 |
Topics: Bosch
Washington Times-Herald
An automobile, capable of being operated by a legless man, has been invented by Arthur M. Van Rensselaer, of New York city. The machine is a motor-propelled, three-wheeled vehicle, thirty-two inches wide and seventy-six inches long, carrying three persons. The controls are entirely hand operated.
Autos Banned from Fire Zone.
Washington Times-Herald
Automobile owners or chauffeurs who race before or after fire engines going to a fire in Philadelphia, Pa., will be arrested and fined $25 to $100. The new ruling provides that no one but the police and fire department officials may park their cars within 1,000 feet of the fire zone.
Battery Care in Freezing Weather.
Washington Times-Herald
Special care should be taken to keep the battery well charged and full of distilled water in cold weather. If this is not done the danger of the battery freezing is increased. A completely charged battery, whose specified gravity is about 1275, freezes at 90 degrees below zero; if the specific gravity is 1150 the battery will freeze at 20 degrees above zero.
Chauffeur's Bonds Impractical.
Washington Times-Herald
The proposal to require all automobile drivers in Washington, D. C., to be bonded in the sum of $3,000 has been abandoned as impractical.
City Briefs
Amarillo Daily News
J.D. Redman, garage man at Conway, was a business visitor here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Emmett and son and W. S. Noland have returned from a motor trip during the Christmas holidays. The trip covered 1200 miles and places visited included Fort Worth, Dallas and Colorado, Texas.
Comparative Insurance Rates.
Washington Times-Herald
Motor vehicle accident insurance rates are higher in New York city than anywhere else in the world.
Free Man Accused of Taking Auto.
The New York Times
Charged with grand larceny for taking without permission out of the garage where he worked an automobile belonging to Harold Gass of 51 East Ninety-seventh Street, Arthur Plantel, 18 years old, of 3 West 118th Street, was discharged by Magistrate Bernard J. Douras in Harlem Court yesterday when Gass refused to press the compliant.
French Laborers Motor to Work.
Washington Times-Herald
In Paris, a great part of the laboring class goes to work in motor busses which serve all sections of the city. First-class passengers sit in the front, while those who pay the lesser second-class fare must ride in the rear.
Washington Times-Herald
Arthur Carter also is charged with manslaughter. He is alleged to have been operating an automobile which ran down and killed five-year-old Eugene Rupertus on July 31, 1922, in front of 35 N street northwest.
Ulysses Bowser is charged with manslaughter. He is alleged to have run down and killed Vernon Beall on August 10, 1922.
Great Italian Highway Planned.
Washington Times-Herald
Italy is in planning for the construction of a giant highway between Milan and the Italian lake district for the exclusive use of passenger automobiles and busses. The road is to be completed in 1923.
Washington Times-Herald
Unexpected failure of the hose connection between the top of the engine and the radiator is likely to occur when water is most needed—when navigating unspeakably rough roads, for instance—and it is well to have the means at hand to make an emergency repair. When the accident happened to me I cut a section of inner tube to replace the worn-out hose, and despite the excessive diameter of the tube made a tight connection, says a writer in Motor. This was accomplished by folding the ends of the tube back and not only compressing the rubber on itself, but providing a thick cushion at the places where the hose clamps belong.
Highways' Width Fixed at 24 Feet
Washington Times-Herald
That main trunk highways should have a minimum width at least of twenty-four feet, is the opinion of English engineers, according to a recent report by Frederick C. Horner, formerly transportation engineer of the Packard Motor Car Company, now investigating transportation conditions in the British Isles and on the continent.
Jaywalker Fined for Bump.
Washington Times-Herald
For "getting hit" by an automobile, William Bercivick, of Kenmore, Ohio, was fined $5 and costs. It was found that Bercivick caused the accident, and the driver was exonerated.
Lost and Found: STOLEN
Amarillo Daily News
Liberal reward. Ford Coupe, practically new, taken Wednesday night from 6th St. Engine No. 6,540,823. Notify W. P. Cooper, Amarillo, Texas.
Machines Blessed in France.
Washington Times-Herald
St. Christopher is the French motorists' patron saint, and several hundred more from all parts of France recently defiled before the statue of the siant at St. Christopher-le-Jagolet, each being blessed by the priests as it passed.
Many Motorists Visit Yellowstone.
Washington Times-Herald
During the Yellowstone Park season recently closed 64,864 visitors reached the park by motor, as compared with 33,358 by rail. No fewer than 18, 379 incoming automobiles and motorcycles passed through the park gates. Every State in the Union was represented by those who motored to the park.
Mirrors Required by Law.
Washington Times-Herald
Fifteen States and the District of Columbia now require mirrors on motor trucks. The states include California, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Washington.
Motorcycle Taxicab.
Washington Times-Herald
A motorcycle with a limousine sidecar body, holding three passengers, is operated in London. The vehicle is equipped with a steering wheel instead of handlebars.
Piston "Freezes" When It Lacks Lubrication
Washington Times-Herald
"Freezing" is a term applied to what happens to the piston if the cylinder is not cooled. It is as liable to happen in Summer as in winter. The piston, due to lack of lubrication, expands to such a point that it has much friction in the cylinder, and, on account of the high temperature, becomes fast, or is said to "freeze."
Plan Bars Wet Season Skidding
Washington Times-Herald
The old system of throwing the clutch out before applying the brakes is fast becoming taboo. Better drivers now brake their cars down gradually before disengaging the clutch, thus preventing skidding in wet weather and facilitating pick-up without extra wear on the clutch surfaces and gears.
Portable Dental Office.
Washington Times-Herald
Safety First for Passengers.
Washington Times-Herald
When stopping in traffic to discharge passengers, it is well to insist upon having them dismount on the right hand side of the car. Many a person has been seriously injured by being "winged" by passing vehicles when alighting on the left hand side of the car. While the driver is not responsible for his passengers under such conditions, their safety is a matter of great interest to him. Make them use the right doors.
Dr. T. W. Caldwell, a dentist of Saskatchewan, Canada, has a dental ambulance which was converted from a passenger automobile. Dr. Caldwell uses this specially constructed car as living quarters, as well as a work room, while traveling around the country. Light, heat and hot and cold water are among the conveniences.
To Ride Easier, Hit Bumps with Clutch Out
Washington Times-Herald
Throw out the clutch when about to go over a bump in the road. It is surprising how much easier the car rides when this is done. The car merely coasts over instead of being driven, and so the shock is reduced. If there is room, it is well to approach such obstructions at an angle, then only one wheel strikes it at a time, and the shock is still further reduced.
Trade Review of 1922: Big Auto Year.
Amarillo Daily News
Production of passenger autos and trucks in 1922 totaled about 2,2560,000 compared with 1,669,000 in 1921. Ford making over a million cars a year now!
U. S. Auto License Is Provided in New Bill
Washington Times-Herald
The American Automobile Association has a bill to present to Congress at the next session which provides for a Federal automobile license, permitting automobiles to cross State boundaries without molestation from constables who require a State license from each State entered.
Woman Auto Race Driver.
Washington Times-Herald
Baroness D'Avanzo, who has competed in many European automobile races will be the only woman ...{scan failure}... sweepstakes at Indianapolis, Ind.
Woman Dies When Train Hits Auto at Crossing
Washington Times-Herald
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio, Dec. 30.-Mrs. Lillian Grant, 52, of Franklin, Pa., died in a hospital here this morning of injuries received when an automobile in which she was riding was struck by an engine at the Adams street crossing early today.
Four others were injured.
World's Truck Record.
Washington Times-Herald
The world's record non-stop motor truck run was recently made when a car was driven from Chicago, Ill., to Washington, D. C., in thirty-seven hours and thirty-four minutes.