The New York Times
October 22, 1895
Practical Test of the "Horseless Vehicles" to be Made.
Eastern Makers of Self-Propelling Vehicles Interested in the Trials—The Test to be Made Nov. 2.
Patterning after the great motocycle race between Bordeaux and Paris a short time ago, Chicago will have a similar contest on Nov. 2. An astonishing number of entries have been received, and it promises to create widespread interest. Local attention will be drawn to the event through the entries of New-York manufacturers, and by reason of the recent exhibitions of horseless carriages here, which caused so much discussion.
The great contest will take place between Chicago and Waukegan, Ill., and will have in it only such competitors as win places in the trials, within the next seven days. Probably the trial race will be held Saturday.
The contest was arranged to promote, encourage, and stimulate the invention, development, and general adoption of motor vehicles. Money prizes of $2,000, $1,500, $1,000, and $500 are offered. There will be eligible to competition any and all vehicles having three or more wheels and which derive all their motive power from within themselves. No vehicle will be admitted to competition which depends in any way upon muscular exertion, except for purposes of guidance. Power must be derived from gasoline, petroleum, electricity, or steam.
Among the entries made by Eastern people are the Walton-Tinkham Manufacturing Company of this city, C. H. Barrows of Willimantic, Conn.; Walter McLeod of this city, Morris & Salom, and John E. Praul of Philadelphia, and G. C. Woolverton of Buffalo.
A gentleman connected with the management of the race says: "There will be in the race a carriage equipped with an aluminum bronze gas engine, weighing, complete, 140 pounds, which the inventor claims can, and has, easily developed six horse power. There are small engines weighing from forty to sixty-five pounds, which, it is claimed, have indicated as high as four and five horse power. If these claims can be substantiated, there is no estimating the results which will be attained, not only in the propulsion of vehicles, but in all branches of mechanics where a cheap and safe power is in demand."