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26 Interesting Driving Confessions from Whisper

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26 Interesting Driving Confessions from Whisper

Bill Crittenden
May 5, 2014

Whisper is a fun little iPhone app that lets people anonymously "confess" something.  BuzzFeed has taken to posting groups of funny, odd, or shocking "confessions" from the site, and I've been wondering how many of those had to relate to driving.  So, I downloaded the app, punched "driving" into the search, and this is what I found in about a half hour (a half hour! not even scraping the surface of the archives!):

Whisper Driving Confession

I wouldn't know personally, but I imagine that pivoting my foot by the heel might be a little difficult if I had a four-inch point on the bottom of it.

Whisper Driving Confession

You're either on your way somewhere, late, or on your trying to enjoy the scenery.  Unfortunately, not everybody is doing the same thing at the same time, and when the two meet on a two-lane road in a no-passing zone, someone's going to get annoyed.  Although I am surprised to see road rage from a Prius owner that isn't environmentally-based and directed at a Hummer.

Whisper Driving Confession

You gotta stay awake somehow...

Whisper Driving Confession

Oh, something controversial.  Yes, let's stop blaming Audi, Toyota, and Ford for our own driving errors (yes, Ford...my neighbor drove a Windstar into his lawn while revving it up to 4000 RPM and said the brakes didn't work).

Whisper Driving Confession

Driving with OCD is a pain in the ass.  True story.

Whisper Driving Confession

It's good to see someone enjoying a drive through the country...

Whisper Driving Confession

...even if it's someone else's car.

Whisper Driving Confession

It's too bad they're knowingly going to put the lives of the rest of the people on the road in danger...

Whisper Driving Confession

...but at least they're not enjoying it.  What the hell???

Whisper Driving Confession

There can't be THAT many designated drivers.  Why?

Whisper Driving Confession

Cameraderie.  A beautiful thing.

Whisper Driving Confession

Distracted driving is DANGEROUS.  Also true story.

Whisper Driving Confession

Distractions aren't always from smartphones!

Whisper Driving Confession

Really, how common IS this?

Whisper Driving Confession

Road rage in America: the cars aren't the only weapons!

Whisper Driving Confession

Yeah, I'm like that.

Whisper Driving Confession

Save the Manuals!

Whisper Driving Confession

Awkward at first, and progressively more distressing the longer you're stuck in traffic.

Whisper Driving Confession

'Nuff said.

Whisper Driving Confession

Especially if a cop is following you.  I live a few blocks from the McHenry County Sheriff headquarters, and I'm constantly being followed unintentionally, wondering, "did I do something wrong?"

Whisper Driving Confession

Cars can help us find love...no matter what kind of love we are looking for!

Whisper Driving Confession

Also nothing I have personal experience with, but I imagine with a big enough car and an automatic transmission it's possible.

Whisper Driving Confession

I'm going to assume that people aren't staring at my green-wheeled car from now on.

Whisper Driving Confession

If only there was a way to smell this on a driver at a traffic stop...

Whisper Driving Confession

Um, I'm going to assume that his car isn't a one-seater, because when I got MY license, I went out driving with whatever girlfriend I had at the time.  Usually looking for a nice spot to park, watch a sunset, and curse whoever created center consoles.

Whisper Driving Confession

There SERIOUSLY needs to be a way to look up who posts this shit.

The Crittenden Automotive Library