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NASCAR and the Iron Curtain

Stock Car Racing Topics:  NASCAR, Car of Tomorrow

NASCAR and the Iron Curtain

Jeremy T. Sellers
Jerm's Joint
June 19, 2008

Hmmm...after reading a very brief article in my local paper this morning from Rick Minter, I may have been understated by calling Brian France the head NASCAR Nazi. After reading this exerpt, it will probably change to Comrade France. Maybe I'm just over- reacting, but if this doesn't bring other conspiracy theories to light for all of you, it's time to shit or get off the can:

NASCAR Puts Hush on COT Critics

Seriously, are you kidding me? I will agree that perhaps there has been too much whining about the car by drivers, media, and fans. It's here, it's what NASCAR dictated all cup series teams would race, and it doesn't appear that it's going to go away. However, when so many diverse groups complain about the same item, isn't it worth taking a closer look? Granted, the new cars have to be driven by the drivers instead of the cars courting them around the track. The racing has been less than exciting, and anyone stating different is cheating themselves, no one else. Though I will admit that the COT is so ugly that it's actually appealing... an oxymoron I know, but bare with me.

So, as if the dictatorship of NASCAR couldn't get any more extreme, it's now instructing drivers, owners, and media outlets that its precious Car of Today shall no longer be allowed to suffer any sort of criticism. Granted, the article doesn't specify the "or else", but at the time of print, that information may not have been available. At a time when fans and track presidents are demanding the return of raw emotion and grit in regards to on-track incidents and subsequent interviews, NASCAR has found yet, another way to water down and sterilize itself into tearful oblivion!

The only cloning not going on right now is team hauler makes. I'm sure NASCAR has a plan to instruct all owners that their haulers will all have to be of single make, whether it be Peterbuilt, Kenworth, Navistar, Freightliner, etc, because a certain someone at a certain truck manufacturer has dumped millions of dollars to make brand "x" the official hauler of NASCAR. Aren't all the trailers already Featherlites? Geez!

DW, don't ask a driver how their car performs. They aren't allowed to tell you. NASCAR continues to press the vice grips down on the pee-pees of everyone involved in the sport from the fan, up! Well folks, I'll wait for my email from NASCAR instructing me not to write these articles any more...until next time...

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