![]() Roads of the Bureau of Indian Affairs To Be Administered in Conjunction With the Federal Highway Administration; Proposed Rule |
Ada E. Deer
Department of the Interior
March 24, 1994
[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 57 (Thursday, March 24, 1994)] [Unknown Section] [Page 0] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: 94-6876] [[Page Unknown]] [Federal Register: March 24, 1994] _______________________________________________________________________ Part III Department of the Interior _______________________________________________________________________ Bureau of Indian Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ 25 CFR Part 170 Roads of the Bureau of Indian Affairs To Be Administered in Conjunction With the Federal Highway Administration; Proposed Rule DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs 25 CFR Part 170 RIN 1076-ABO5 Roads of the Bureau of Indian Affairs To Be Administered in Conjunction With the Federal Highway Administration AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior. ACTION: Proposed rule. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Bureau of Indian Affairs is proposing to revise its regulations on the administration of its roads. These proposed changes are necessary because of new procedures and methods, the adoption of the Federal Lands Highways Program, and other events since the last revision. The purpose of this revision is to reflect the current Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) policies for the road systems on Indian Reservations; to ensure that funds are made available from the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) for construction projects on Indian Reservations Roads (IRR) in accordance with the relative needs of the reservations; and to implement aspects of tribal self-determination. DATES: Comments must be received on or before May 23, 1994. ADDRESSES: Send written and signed comments to Richard B. Geiger; Chief, Division of Transportation; Bureau of Indian Affairs; 1849 C Street, NW.; Mail Stop 4058 MIB; Washington, DC 20240. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard B. Geiger, Chief, Division of Transportation, Bureau of Indian Affairs. Telephone number (202) 208- 4359. Office hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., EST, Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Bureau of Indian Affairs is proposing this revision to incorporate the requirements and procedures of the Federal Lands Highways Program, 23 U.S.C. 202 and 204, and to reflect the policies of the FHWA for road systems on Indian reservations. The incorporation of these requirements will ensure that funds from the HTF are available for construction projects on IRR according to the needs of the reservation as prioritized by the affected Indian Tribes. A substantial backlog of needed road construction serving Indian reservations exists making the establishment of project priorities a necessity. The requirements of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), Public Law 102-240, 105 Stat. 1914 (December 18, 1991) and the policy of Indian Self-Determination, mandate that consultation procedures with Tribal Governments to determine these priorities should be established, subject to BIA approval of the expenditure of Federal Funds. Procedures shall be followed and periodically revised to ensure that the opportunity exists for the various Indian reservations to receive a fair and equitable share of funds from the HTF for construction projects on Indian reservation roads. These projects are funded according to their relative needs and to meet the legislative requirements established which affect Indian reservations. Substantive Changes Proposed 25 CFR 170.2 Definitions. This section would be revised to include reconstruction projects within the definition of ``construction'' and new definitions for ``public road'' and ``BIA road system.'' 25 CFR 170.3 Federal Lands Highways Program. This revised section would describe programs established by section 126(e) of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, Pub. L. 97-424, 96 Stat. 2115, and the ISTEA. 25 CFR 170.5, formerly Right-of-way, is renumbered to 170.14. This section is retitled Federal-Aid Highway Program and now describes the IRR as authorized by that program. 25 CFR 170.6, formerly Maintenance of Indian Roads, is renumbered to 170.19. This section is retitled Road Inventory and Needs Study. 25 CFR 170.7, formerly Cooperation with States, is changed to include tribes and renumbered to 170.3(b). This new section now describes the transportation planning process and is titled, Transportation Planning. This section also includes tourism and recreational travel that benefits recreational development. 25 CFR 170.8, formerly Use of Roads, is renumbered to 170.17. This new section describes priority selection for road construction and is titled Selection of Road Construction Priorities. 25 CFR 170.9, formerly Roadless and Wild Areas, is titled Annual Program Approval and 170.41 is the new section for Roadless and Wild Areas. 25 CFR 170.10 through 170.19, Public Hearings on Road Projects, have been renumbered to 170.30 through 170.39. Sections 170.10, 170.11, 170.12 and 170.13 now are titled respectively Allocations, Availability of Funds, Program Certification and Program Analysis. 25 CFR 170.14 Right-of-way, has been changed to include tribal consultation in all right-of-way transfers. 25 CFR 170.18 Equipment Pool Operations, describes a new section and includes new language for operating an Equipment Pool. 25 CFR 170.20 Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities, describes a new section and includes new language pursuant to section 1033 of the ISTEA. 25 CFR 170.21 Emergency Relief Program, describes a new section and includes language for operations under the Emergency Relief Program. 25 CFR 170.22 Bridges, describes a new section and includes the provisions of the ISTEA for Indian reservation bridges pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 144. 25 CFR 170.23 Airports, has been added to describe eligible work on airports. 25 CFR 170.24 Pub. L. 93-638 Contracts, Road Maintenance and Construction Contracts, has been added to describe BIA responsibilities under Public Law 93-638, the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended. 25 CFR 170.27 Programs under Education and Training, has been added to describe the eligible programs to tribes under this provision. Minor Changes Proposed Technical changes are made for clarity; to renumber to accommodate new sections; to divide the text into two subparts; and to conform to the substantive changes. The policy of the Department of the Interior (DOI) is to afford the public an opportunity to participate in the rulemaking process to the greatest extent practical. Accordingly, interested persons may submit written comments, suggestions, or objections regarding the proposed rule, to the locations identified in the Addresses section of this preamble. The primary author of this document is: Richard B. Geiger, Chief, Division of Transportation, Central Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs, telephone number: (202) 208-4359. This rule is not a significant rule under Executive Order 12866 and, thus, will not be reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget. This rule does not have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria established by the Regulatory Flexibility Act and does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment as defined in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. This rule does not contain information collection requirements as defined by 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. which require the approval of the Office of Management and Budget. The Department has certified to the Office of Management and Budget that these proposed regulations meet the applicable standards provided in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) (2) of Executive Order 12778. In accordance with Executive Order 12630, the Department has determined that this rule does not have significant takings implications and that this rule does not have significant federalism effects under Executive Order 12612. List of Subjects in 25 CFR Part 170 Highways and Roads, Indians- lands For the reasons set out in the preamble, part 170 of title 25, Chapter I of the Code of Federal Regulations is proposed to be revised as set forth below. PART 170--ROADS OF THE BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS TO BE ADMINISTERED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Subpart A--Construction and Maintenance of Roads Sec. 170.1 Purpose. 170.2 Definitions. 170.3 Federal Lands Highways Programs (23 U.S.C. 202 and 204). 170.4 Approval of fund distribution. 170.5 Federal-aid highways. 170.6 Road Inventory and Needs Study. 170.7 Transportation planning. 170.8 Selection of road construction project priorities. 170.9 Annual program approval. 170.10 Allocations. 170.11 Availability of funds. 170.12 Program certification. 170.13 Program analysis. 170.14 Right-of-way. 170.15 Road design. 170.16 Method of construction. 170.17 Use of roads. 170.18 Equipment pool operations. 170.19 Maintenance of BIA roads system. 170.20 Pedestrian and bicycle facilities. 170.21 Emergency Relief Program. 170.22 Bridges. 170.23 Airports. 170.24 Public Law 93-638 road maintenance and construction contracts. 170.25 Program requirements for road maintenance. 170.26 Program requirements for road construction. 170.27 Education and training. Subpart B--Public Hearings on Road Projects Sec. 170.30 Purpose and objectives. 170.31 Criteria. 170.32 Need for public hearing determined. 170.33 Notice of road construction projects in lieu of hearing. 170.34 Notice of public hearing. 170.35 Record of hearing proceedings. 170.36 Conducting the public hearing. 170.37 Written statements. 170.38 Hearing statement. 170.39 Appeals. 170.40 Information collection requirements. 170.41 Roadless and wild areas. Authority: 36 Stat. 861; 49 Stat. 1521, as amended; 78 Stat. 241, 253, 257; 45 Stat. 750; 25 U.S.C. 47, 318a, 318b; 42 U.S.C. 2000e(b), 2000e-2(i); 23 U.S.C. 101(a), 116, 117, 118, 125, 134, 135, 144, 202, 203, 204, 217, 326 and 402. Subpart A--Construction and Maintenance of Roads Sec. 170.1 Purpose. The purpose of this part is to set forth regulations to govern the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and general administration of Indian reservation roads. In compliance with 23 U.S.C. 202, these regulations have been jointly developed and approved by the Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs (DOI) and the Federal Highway Administrator, Department of Transportation. Any FHWA/BIA interagency agreements relative to the administration of the IRR program shall be developed and approved after allowing tribal governments the opportunity to review and comment. Sec. 170.2 Definitions. BIA Road System means those existing and proposed IRR for which the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) owns or plans to obtain legal right-of- way. This includes only roads for which the BIA has the primary responsibility to construct, improve and maintain, and for which any changes to this system shall be supported by a tribal resolution. Construction means engineering, supervising, inspecting, actual building, and all expenses incidental to the construction and improvement of roads and bridges. Construction includes the elimination of roadway hazards, the acquisition of right-of-way, reconstruction, resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, sealing of the roadway, and traffic flow control or improvement. Also included are designed pavement overlays that add to the structural value and design life of the pavement, or provide identified safety skid resistance, and double bituminous surface and chip seals that are part of predefined stage construction or form the final surface on low volume roads. Force account means the use of BIA personnel to perform construction and maintenance on IRR. Program and project documentation is completed under these operations in accordance with specifications and applicable directives from the Bureau of Indian Affairs Manual (BIAM) for each project. Indian Reservation Roads (IRR) ``means public roads that are located within or provide access to an Indian reservation or Indian trust land or restricted Indian land which is not subject to fee title alienation without the approval of the Federal Government or Indian and Alaska Native villages, groups or communities in which the majority of the residents are Indians or Alaskan Natives, whom the Secretary has determined are eligible for services generally available to Indians under Federal laws specifically applicable to Indians.'' (23 U.S.C. 101(a).) Roads in the BIA Road System are included in the IRR system. Maintenance means the act of preserving the entire roadway, including the surface, shoulder, roadsides, drainages, and structures, preserving the road as nearly as practical to the original as-built condition, and providing snow and ice removal, vegetation control, traffic control devices, and other services for the safety and convenience of the user. Maintenance may also include minor improvements which could not be done efficiently with road construction funds, or the removal of safety hazards. Maintenance does not include constructing roads to a substantially higher standard. Public road means any road or street under the jurisdiction of and maintained by a public authority and open to public travel. (23 U.S.C. 101(a).) Secretary means the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, or a designated representative, who will usually be the Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs or a Deputy to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. State means one of the 50 United States, a Territory, or a political subdivision of a State or Territory. For purposes of 23 U.S.C. 402--Highway Safety Programs and for other programs in the future, and with the approval of the Secretary of Transportation, State may include the BIA; Governor of a State may include the Secretary of the Interior; and a political subdivision of a State may include the tribal government on an Indian Reservation. Superintendent means the Agency Superintendent at all locations. The Area Director or a designated representative may appear for the Superintendent at public hearings on arterial roads which cross Agency boundaries of jurisdiction. Sec. 170.3 Federal Lands Highways Programs (23 U.S.C. 202 and 204). (a) The coordinated Federal Lands Highways Program (FLHP) consists of the Forest Highways, Public Lands Highways, Park Roads, Parkways and Indian Reservation Roads as defined in 23 U.S.C. 101. The purpose is to treat all Federal Roads which are public roads under the same uniform policies as roads on the Federal-Aid Systems. (23 U.S.C. 204). (b) BIA shall coordinate management of IRR construction with the programs of the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and the Public Lands Highways program of the FHWA. BIA management policies shall conform to policies for roads which are on the Federal-aid highways, including application of the FAR and Government Accounting Standards. (c) In planning and constructing IRR the BIA may enter into contracts with other Federal agencies, States, counties, cities, or tribal governments. In these contracts, the BIA or one of the other governmental agencies may be the lead agency, accepting contributions from the other agencies involved. When the BIA is the lead agency in a cooperative project with a State, county, local subdivision, or tribal government, reimbursement authority shall be issued to the BIA for crediting the funds received to the appropriation available for IRR construction projects. All projects shall be developed in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, and other Federal requirements. These projects are included as part of the continuing cooperative and comprehensive planning process used to develop Statewide transportation improvement programs by States. The projects will also be part of approved long-range and short-range plans in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 134, 135(e)(f) and 204(a). (d) Indian labor shall be used at the maximum practical level on projects using IRR construction funds or road maintenance funds. Since ceilings on Federal employment do not apply to construction and improvement of Indian reservation roads, staffing and overtime decisions shall be based upon project requirements, efficiency, the availability of Indian labor, and other governmental costs including unemployment compensation and welfare. The BIA shall assist the FHWA and the States to apply Indian preference to Federal-aid highway projects on or near Indian reservations. (e) The BIA shall cooperate with the FHWA in developing procedures to provide the information needed by the Secretary of Transportation in making the determination that a proposed obligation of IRR funds on a Federal-aid project is supplemental to, and not in lieu of, the obligation of a fair and equitable share of funds apportioned to the State pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 104. The Secretary may enter into an agreement with a State or subdivision of a State for supplementary funding in the construction and maintenance of IRR. At locations where road projects serve non-Indian land as well as Indian land, State participation shall be requested. Funds for IRR may be used in conjunction with Federal-aid funds on State Federal-aid highway projects, including projects in the Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (HBRRP). Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 144(g)(4), not less than one percent of the apportioned HBRRP funds is set aside in each State that has an Indian Reservation, as defined in 25 CFR 170.2, within its boundaries for projects to replace, rehabilitate, paint, or apply magnesium acetate to IRR bridges. The IRR funds can also be used for the required 20 percent State match requirements. (23 U.S.C. 144). (f) Subject to availability of qualified Indian contractors, IRR construction contracts shall be advertised for award to the lowest qualified bidder under the provisions of the Buy Indian Act of June 25, 1910 (36 Stat. 891). Subject to availability of qualified Indian subcontractors, prime contractors shall be required to give preference to Indian subcontractors on IRR construction contracts. A good faith effort to locate qualified Indian contractors and subcontractors shall be required. Incentives may be provided for training Indian subcontractors. Contracts with tribal governments under Public Law 93- 638 shall be written, negotiated, and monitored to ensure meeting the requirements of 23 U.S.C. (g) On cooperative projects where Federal aid and IRR funds are used, guidelines will be developed to include procedures for the BIA and State to negotiate the use of the Buy Indian Act (36 Stat. 891) based on the percentage of fund contribution for the project. (h) IRR funds can also be used on tribally-owned vocational post- secondary school road construction projects pursuant to section 1032(d) of the ISTEA. For the purpose of this part, roads constructed under section 1032(d) are public roads. (i) The BIA, in cooperation with the FHWA and the states, will develop procedures for implementing management systems for bridge, pavement, and safety on Indian reservation roads (23 U.S.C. 204(a)). Sec. 170.4 Approval of fund distribution. (a) The Secretary, with the concurrence of the Secretary of Transportation, shall approve the distribution of IRR construction funds. (b) The Secretary shall approve the distribution of maintenance funds for Indian road needs. This type of approval does not require the concurrence of the Secretary of Transportation. (c) Indian tribal governments shall be consulted concerning the distribution of Indian road construction and maintenance funds. Sec. 170.5 Federal-aid highways. (a) Federal-aid highways, containing rural major collector or higher functional classification routes, are designated by each State highway department in cooperation with local officials, and are subject to the approval of the Secretary of Transportation. The BIA will assist tribal governments as they participate in the State-Tribal responsibility of designating Federal-aid highways which serve Indian lands. (b) Some public roads on Indian Reservations are eligible for funding from the Federal-aid program through the States and counties. Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 204(c), IRR funds shall be supplementary to, and not in lieu of, the obligation of funds apportioned to an IRR project from the Federal-aid program. The BIA will assist tribal governments as they participate with local governments in the development of programs of construction projects and maintenance of those roads which are on Indian Reservations. Sec. 170.6 Road Inventory and Needs Study. (a) The BIA shall maintain an inventory of identified Indian Reservation Roads as defined in Sec. 170.2 of this subpart. The inventory shall be maintained to provide: (1) Appropriate reports required by 23 CFR 460.3(c), 23 CFR 470.107(b) and (c), or by Congressional request. (2) Long-range planning estimates of construction costs and annual maintenance needs. This construction data will be provided to FHWA as part of the annual Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) requirements of 23 U.S.C. 135. (b) An overall needs analysis will be an ongoing function by the BIA to provide appropriate information necessary to develop a relative needs data base. This data will be used in the budgetary process and as support for any needs study to: (1) Make reports to Congress from time to time or as required. (2) Determine the costs for all identified Indian Reservation Roads improvements. (c) The BIA shall provide assistance to tribal governments in developing their administrative capabilities for managing their reservation transportation systems and economic development plans. Sec. 170.7 Transportation planning. The BIA shall carry out a transportation planning process for IRR to support the construction and improvement program similar to 23 U.S.C. 134, 135, 307, and in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 204 (h) and (j). Transportation plans shall be developed using an in-depth and comprehensive evaluation of all factors and elements influencing the orderly development of transportation systems. Planning will establish a definitive system for determining the needs for both new and improved highway facilities commensurate with social, environmental, and economic conditions, and shall provide the information needed for developing future transportation programs and distribution of IRR funds in accordance with the relative needs of the various Indian Reservations and tribal priorities. Transportation planning shall consider the information contained in management systems for highway pavement, bridges, and safety. BIA's transportation planning process shall be reviewed and deemed adequate by FHWA. Sec. 170.8 Selection of road construction project priorities. (a) The Superintendent shall inform the appropriate local tribal officials of all financial and technical information relating to the IRR program and alternatives of proposed road developments, arranging for technical assistance from other offices as required. The Superintendent shall recommend to the tribe those proposed road projects having the greatest need as determined by a comprehensive transportation analysis. Tribes shall develop a prioritized list of projects. Where more than one tribe is involved, the Superintendent shall make special efforts to ensure that all tribes are informed and given an opportunity to participate in priority decisions. Where the Superintendent and the tribe or tribes cannot agree on priorities, the Superintendent shall forward the proposals for review and decision to the Area Office. (b) The Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs may establish priorities for programs of national scope and for administrative purposes with the concurrence of the Secretary of Transportation and in consultation with national Indian organizations. Such national priorities may include safety, hazard elimination, bridge programs, and economic development. Sec. 170.9 Annual program approval. (a) The Secretary and the Secretary of Transportation, or an authorized representative, shall approve all projects in the IRR construction program before any expenditures are made. An annual transportation improvement program shall be developed for approval of the Secretary and the Secretary of Transportation or an authorized representative, pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 135. (b) Since IRR are defined in 23 U.S.C. 101 as public roads, no funds appropriated for IRR may be spent for the construction, maintenance, or improvement of roads which are not public roads, except in emergencies hazardous to life or property, which are subsequently reimbursed back to the IRR program, or except as noted in section 1032(d) of the ISTEA. Sec. 170.10 Allocations. After October 1 of each fiscal year, the Secretary of Transportation shall allocate the sums appropriated for such fiscal year as provided in 23 U.S.C. 202. Funds for IRR construction projects shall be allocated according to the relative needs of the various reservations as jointly identified by the Secretary and the Secretary of Transportation. Allocations may be modified during the year to ensure maximum benefit to the Indian people. The Secretary will identify the amount of IRR funds allocated to each BIA Area Office and how this amount was determined. The Secretary also will document how each BIA Area Office distributes these funds. Sec. 170.11 Availability of funds. Funds authorized for IRR shall be available for contract or Force Account construction upon distribution, or on October 1 of the fiscal year for which authorized if no distribution is required. Any amount of contract authority remaining unobligated at the end of a fiscal year that is greater than the funds authorized during that fiscal year and the prior three (3) fiscal years combined shall be considered lapsed and will be withdrawn. The Secretary has authority to incur obligations, approve projects, and enter into contracts under such authorizations, and the action in doing so is deemed a contractual obligation of the United States for the payment of the cost thereof, and such funds shall be deemed to have been expended when so obligated (23 U.S.C. 203). Sec. 170.12 Program certification. (a) The Secretary of Transportation may discharge all responsibilities, or any part of them, pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 117 relative to projects in the IRR program, upon the request of the BIA, by accepting a certification by the BIA of its performance of such responsibilities. The acceptance of the BIA Certification by the Secretary of Transportation acknowledges that the BIA road construction program procedures shall be carried out in a manner which will accomplish the objectives of title 23, U.S.C. The certification may include all or part of the procedures, and may involve all or part of the field offices, of BIA. The Secretary of Transportation may rescind the BIA Certification of Performance of Responsibilities under 23 U.S.C. at any time considered necessary. (b) The BIA will notify the Secretary of Transportation upon the completion of each construction project. The Secretary of Transportation shall require an adequate report of the estimated and actual cost of construction, as well as such other information as is determined necessary. All final inspections on each project will be conducted in accordance with procedures jointly established by the Secretary and the Secretary of Transportation. Sec. 170.13 Program analysis. To ensure proper implementation of title 23 U.S.C. requirements in the IRR programs, the BIA shall conduct reviews at the national, Area, and tribal levels. These reviews shall evaluate policy, procedures, operations, and service delivery and shall make recommendations for improvements and corrective actions in compliance with statutes, manuals, and policy regarding road construction and road maintenance. The BIA shall also analyze workload, adequacy of staffing, efficiency of operations, and program effectiveness at each level and report to the Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs. A review of support services to road programs shall be performed. The analysis shall assess the efficiency of program operations; effectiveness of organizational structures and relationships and of operating systems and procedures; and work force requirements and utilization. It shall assist management in the establishment of program objectives and provide a mechanism to develop performance measurements; to ensure accountability for the Highway Trust Funds; and to promote the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness of roads programs. Sec. 170.14 Right-of-way. (a) The procedures for obtaining permission to survey or to grant any necessary right-of-way are governed by 25 CFR part 169 of this chapter. Prior to any work being done for the construction of road projects, the Superintendent shall obtain the written consent of the Indian and non-Indian landowners. Where an Indian has an interest in tribal land, consent shall be obtained in accordance with the policy of the Indian tribe. Right-of-way easements are to be documented on forms approved by the Secretary. All right-of-way actions shall be in accordance with the requirement of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq. as amended), and 49 CFR part 24. (b) Prior to construction, right-of-way easements for the project shall be obtained in favor of the public agency that will be responsible for maintenance and reconstruction of the route. When that agency is the BIA, easements shall be in favor of the United States, its successors and assigns, with the right to construct, maintain, and repair improvements thereon and thereover, for such purposes; and with the further right in the United States, its successors and assigns, to transfer the right-of-way easements by assignment, grant, or otherwise. (c) No right-of-way shall be transferred without consultation with the tribal government. Sec. 170.15 Road design. The BIA is responsible for collecting reliable data, designing safe and economical roads, and developing adequate construction plans, specifications, and estimates. General guidelines will be the latest edition of the relevant American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) publications, ``A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,'' and the ``Roadside Design Guide''; and the FHWA publications, ``Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects'' (or approved State specifications) and the ``Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.'' Sec. 170.16 Method of construction. Generally, the method of construction shall be by contract awarded by competitive bidding. Construction may also be performed by Force Account, with Federal employees, or by entering into construction contracts with governmental agencies or tribes. The method of construction for the IRR system shall be determined in consultation with the tribes. Several factors shall be considered, including cost effectiveness, the employment and training of Indians, effect on the local economy, public interest findings, available equipment, available Indian contractors, and social and economic development plans of the tribe. (25 CFR 170.3(c) and 23 U.S.C. 204(e)). Sec. 170.17 Use of roads. (a) Free public use is required on roads eligible for construction and maintenance with Federal funds under this part. The Superintendent may restrict the use of roads or close them to public use when required for public safety, fire prevention or suppression, fish or game protection, or prevention of damage to unstable roadbeds. (b) The BIA shall conduct engineering and traffic analysis in accordance with established traffic engineering practices to determine the necessary maximum speed limit, maximum vehicular size and weight limit, and traffic control devices. The BIA shall, in cooperation with tribes and local government officials, erect, maintain, and enforce compliance with the needed regulatory signs and pavement markings in accordance with the ``Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).'' Sec. 170.18 Equipment pool operations. (a) BIA Equipment Pools operating on a reimbursable basis may rent BIA-owned equipment to approved IRR Force Account projects funded under contract authority from the Highway Trust Fund, or other authorized Federal programs. The equipment pool manager must obtain reimbursement authority to retain and re-obligate income for costs incurred. The accounting procedures and methods of determining reimbursement costs shall be uniformly and equitably applied to all projects and activities irrespective of source of funds in accordance with the provisions of 23 CFR 140.715. (b) Equipment rent shall be collected from approved projects and activities for the use of pool equipment. The established equipment rental rates shall be limited to the recovery of actual acquisition costs, including equipment replacement costs, equipment pool overhead, and actual operating cost. (See 23 CFR part 140 (Reimbursement) and 48 CFR part 31 (Contract Cost Principles and Procedures)). Examples of eligible costs for reimbursement are listed in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87, General Accounting Office (GAO) TS2-24; and the Federal Highway Administration Technical Advisory T4540.l. Sec. 170.19 Maintenance of BIA system roads. (a) The BIA shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, all roads on the approved Bureau of Indian Affairs Road System. The BIA shall also maintain other public roads in accordance with agreements with the public agencies responsible for those roads. (b) The Superintendent shall monitor the maintenance of all roads meeting the definition of IRR to assure that Indians are receiving a fair and equitable share of road maintenance services provided by funds derived from highway user taxes. Where problems are identified, the Superintendent shall coordinate a meeting of appropriate tribal representatives and other government officials to discuss methods of correcting the problems. Where these problems cannot be resolved locally, the Superintendent shall refer this matter to the Area Director. The Area Director shall attempt to resolve the problems with the assistance of the FHWA and the State Officials. Any problems that cannot be resolved at the Area level shall be referred to the Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs. (c) Any jurisdiction failing to maintain roads constructed with Highway Trust Funds shall be ineligible for further Highway Trust Funded construction projects (23 U.S.C. 116). Sec. 170.20 Pedestrian and bicycle facilities. (a) For purposes of transportation, safety, and energy conservation, and for encouraging multiple use of road rights-of- way, road construction funds may be used to construct pedestrian and bicycle facilities on road rights-of-way, within limitations established by 23 U.S.C. 217. (b) For transportation and not specifically for recreational purposes, bicycle facilities may be constructed with road construction funds at the discretion of the BIA on separate rights-of-way (23 U.S.C. 217 (b) and (c)). Sec. 170.21 Emergency Relief Program. Any natural disaster over a widespread area or catastrophic failure which causes serious (more than heavy maintenance) damage to IRR, may be cause for eligibility for reimbursement under the Emergency Relief Program of 23 U.S.C. 125 and 23 CFR part 668. To qualify, the occurrence should be declared a disaster by the President of the United States and shall have a positive finding determination made by the Federal Highway Administration. If the road repairs in an area may be considered for authorization under the Emergency Relief Program, records and photographs of the damage sites and of initial repairs and closures to assure public safety shall be kept by the BIA for possible reimbursement under this program. Those initial repairs may, as an emergency measure, be charged to any available program under the control of the line official. Reimbursement will be made from Emergency Relief Funds after approval, or from road maintenance funds if approval is denied. Careful analysis of program fund usage shall be made considering the temporary charges made to a program whose authority may terminate with the fiscal year. (Specific procedures to be followed in the Emergency Relief Program are contained in 23 CFR part 668.) Sec. 170.22 Bridges. (a) The existence of a flood plain encroachment by a proposed structure shall be determined by technical study. An analysis of the hydrology and the hydraulics of the site shall be performed in accordance with established Executive Order 11988 as implemented in 23 CFR 650.111. (b) All existing bridges on the BIA road system shall be inspected periodically for structural condition and functional adequacy, in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 144 and 151. These field inspections shall be conducted in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards. The following measures shall be taken in accordance with recommendations of the inspecting engineer in the field inspection report, as amended by a technical review by the BIA Division of Transportation and the Area Road Engineer, in order to protect the safety of the travelling public: (1) The erection and maintenance of load limit and safety warning signs and other maintenance work; (2) The construction or installation of safety enhancement appurtenances such as traffic delineators, bridge railing and approach guardrailing; and (3) The rehabilitation or replacement of deficient structures. (23 U.S.C. 144 (g)(4)). (c) Current data obtained from the bridge inspections shall be maintained in a computer inventory file. The inventory data shall be used to produce a biennial bridge inventory report and an annual bridge sufficiency rating report. (d) The National Bridge Inspection Standards require each State to maintain an inventory of all bridge structures subject to the Standards, which includes all bridges on public roads. Therefore, the required inventory and inspection data for all IRR bridges must be submitted to the State for inclusion in the State's bridge inventory file. The data shall include all items contained in the current ``Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation's Bridges.'' (e) Bridges that are identified on the bridge sufficiency rating report as being deficient shall be prioritized and programmed for closure, maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement. Correction of the deficiency shall be accomplished expeditiously after the deficiency is first identified. Sec. 170.23 Airports. Airports, including heliports, which provide service to Indian reservations shall not be constructed or improved with appropriated road construction or road maintenance funds. Public airports and heliports may be maintained with road maintenance funds in accordance with appropriations and tribal priorities. Sec. 170.24 Public Law 93-638 road maintenance and construction contracts. To assist tribes in compliance with the requirements of Subchapter M--Indian Self-Determination, the BIA shall develop guidelines and model contracts for road construction and maintenance, modify those contracts as necessary for local conditions, and provide technical assistance to the tribes in developing capability to meet contract conditions, maintain adequate records, and prepare required reports. Sec. 170.25 Program requirements for road maintenance. (a) The IRR Maintenance program provides for maintenance of paved roads, graveled roads and earth surface roads. Funds distribution shall be provided at all reservations which have a road maintenance program, in accordance with uniform BIA criteria. (b) Road maintenance shall be completed in accordance with industry standards for planning, scheduling, and accomplishments, and with the guidelines in 23 CFR 635.505. After emergency maintenance, priority shall be for roads on the BIA system. (c) Annual data on road maintenance needs accomplishments and expenditures for the annual nationwide road maintenance status report and for budgeting purposes shall be provided. (d) The Area Director's approval is required for plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for pavement sealing projects using Highway Trust Funds, 23 U.S.C. 204(c), and specific maintenance agreements, contracts or other applicable documents. The Area Director shall monitor road maintenance contracts as necessary to fulfill the Secretary's trust responsibilities, ensure contract compliance, and the adequacy of deliverables. Sec. 170.26 Program requirements for road construction. (a) Projects for IRR construction shall be ``treated under the same uniform policies as roads which are on the Federal-aid systems,'' in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 204, Public Law 97-424, and subsequent Highway Acts. Project priorities are selected by the tribes with the concurrence of the BIA and the FHWA. (b) The minimum standard shall be American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design standards applicable to the planned type of construction; and for construction, FHWA's current ``Standard Specification and Construction Manual for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects.'' State Highway Standard Specifications may be substituted when properly modified to meet the requirements of Federal construction contracts. (c) BIA force account operations, Buy Indian and open market contractors, and Tribal Pub. L. 93-638 contractors shall construct the IRR project in accordance with the plans and specifications for said project. (d) Emergencies that endanger life or property or that affect the quality of construction shall be reported to the Contracting Officer in the most expeditious manner. (e) Plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) are deliverables for IRR design projects. (f) Progress reports are required to support requests for payments. Reports may be required for annual and final accomplishments and for completed and accepted projects, including as-built plans; project engineer's diaries; daily inspection reports; testing reports; and all supporting data, including automated data processing (ADP) data, environmental studies, engineering analysis, design exceptions, and approved extra work orders. (g) A summary report of employment shall be submitted within 30 days of the end of each fiscal year for all projects and shall include the hours and amounts paid to Indians and all other employees by contractor and project. (h) Year-end closing statements shall include reports on total cumulative obligations and expenditures by project and budget category. An annual summary report of all emergency projects shall be provided. Sec. 170.27 Education and training (23 U.S.C. 326). (a) A transportation assistance program is authorized pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 326. It provides for the Secretary of Transportation to make grants and enter into contracts for education and training, technical assistance, and related support service that will: (1) Assist rural local transportation agencies to develop and expand their expertise in road and transportation areas to improve roads and bridges; to enhance programs for the movement of passengers and freight; and to deal effectively with special road related problems by preparing and providing training packages, manuals, guidelines, and technical resource materials, and developing a tourism and recreational travel technical assistance program; (2) Identify, package, and deliver usable highway technology to local jurisdictions to assist urban transportation agencies in developing and expanding their ability to deal effectively with road related problems; and (3) Establish, in cooperation with State transportation or highway departments and universities: (i) Urban technical assistance program centers in States with 2 or more urbanized areas of 50,000 to 1,000,000 population; and (ii) rural technical assistance program centers. (b) Not less than 2 centers under paragraph (a)(3) of this section shall be designated to provide transportation assistance that may include, but is not necessarily limited to, a ``circuit-rider'' program, providing training on intergovernmental transportation planning and project selection, and tourism and recreational travel to American Indian tribal governments. (c) Funds required to carry out the provisions of this section shall be taken out of administrative funds deducted pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 104(a). This includes up to 100 percent for services provided to American Indian tribal governments. In addition, the Secretary of the Interior may reserve funds from the Bureau of Indian Affairs' administrative funds associated with the Indian reservation roads program to finance the Indian technical centers authorized pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 326. Subpart B--Public Hearings on Road Projects Sec. 170.30 Purpose and objectives. The regulations in this subpart govern the notification and conduct of public hearings on BIA road projects in order to promote coordination and comprehensive planning of construction activities on Indian reservations. The objectives for conducting public hearings on proposed road projects are to: (a) Inform interested persons of the road proposals that affect them and allow such persons to express their views at those stages of the project's development when the flexibility to respond to these views still exists; and (b) Ensure that road locations and designs are consistent with the reservations objectives and with applicable Federal regulations. Sec. 170.31 Criteria. A public hearing shall be held for each project if it: (a) Is a new route being constructed; (b) Would significantly change the layout or function of connecting or related roads or streets; (c) Would cause substantial adverse effect on adjacent real property; or (d) Is expected to be of a controversial nature. Sec. 170.32 Need for public hearing determined. The Superintendent shall call a meeting of representatives from the tribe, the BIA, and other appropriate agencies to determine if a public hearing is needed for each road project. The determination shall be based on the criteria given in Sec. 170.31. More than one public hearing may be held for a project if necessary. Sec. 170.33 Notice of road construction projects in lieu of hearing. When no public hearing is scheduled for a road construction project, notice of the road construction project shall be given at least 90 calendar days before the date construction is scheduled to begin. The notice shall give the project name and location, the type of improvement planned, the date construction is scheduled to start, and the name and address of the office where more information can be obtained, and provisions for requesting a hearing within a set time. The notice shall be posted or published as determined by the Superintendent. Sec. 170.34 Notice of public hearing. Notice shall be given to inform the local public of the scheduled hearing. The notice should give the date, time, and place of the scheduled hearing; the project location; the proposed work to be done; the place where the preliminary plans may be reviewed; and the place where more information on the project can be obtained. The notice shall be posted or published as determined by the Superintendent. Notice shall be given at least 30 calendar days before the scheduled date of the public hearing. A second notice of hearing is optional at the discretion of the Agency Superintendent. Sec. 170.35 Record of hearing proceedings. A record of the hearing shall be made, which shall include a summary of verbal testimony and all written statements that are submitted at the hearing or within five (5) working days following the hearing. Sec. 170.36 Conducting the public hearing. (a) The Superintendent shall appoint a tribal or BIA official to preside at the public hearing and to maintain a free and open discussion designed to reach early and amicable resolution of issues. (b) The Superintendent shall be responsible for maintaining the official record of the hearings and shall make arrangements for appropriate officials to be present at the hearing to be responsive to questions that may arise. (c) The purpose of the hearing and an agenda of items to be discussed should be presented at the beginning of the hearing. It shall be made clear at the hearing that the tribal government or designated roads committee are responsible for setting reservation road priorities and for considering public comments and the merits of one road project over another. Sufficient maps and project plans will be available at the hearing for public review. The hearing audience should be informed of the BIA road construction and right-of-way acquisition procedures on reservations. If the project will require relocating residences or businesses, information on relocation services and authorized payments shall be given in accordance with the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, Pub. L. 91-646, 84 Stat. 1894 (42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq. as amended). Sec. 170.37 Written statements. At the public hearing, written statements may be submitted to the presiding official, either in lieu of or in addition to oral statements. Written statements also may be submitted to the Agency Superintendent during the five working days following the hearing. Sec. 170.38 Hearing statement. The Superintendent shall issue a hearing statement summarizing the results of the public hearing and the determination of the further action to be taken in connection with the proposed project. The hearing statement shall be issued within 20 working days of the date of the public hearing. The hearing statement shall be posted at the place where the hearing was held, and may be sent to interested persons upon request. The hearing statement shall outline procedures whereby the determination may be appealed. Sec. 170.39 Appeals. Any determination concerning the proposed road project may be appealed in accordance with the procedures set forth in 25 CFR part 2. Sec. 170.40 Information collection requirements. There are no information collection requirements contained in this part which require the approval of the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 1501. Sec. 170.41 Roadless and wild areas. Roads passable to motor transportation shall not be constructed under the regulations in this part within the boundaries of the roadless and wild areas established in 25 CFR part 265, chapter 1. Approval Date: February 1, 1994. Ada E. Deer, Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs. [FR Doc. 94-6876 Filed 3-23-94; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310-02-P