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Zinke and the LEADS system

McHenry County, Illinois

Zinke and the LEADS system

Gus Philpott
Woodstock Advocate
March 7, 2014

The public got an education in Woodstock recently on the LEADS system. LEADS is the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System. Police aren't supposed to use it to snoop on their girl friends or little ol' ladies.

McHenry County Blog today carried a great story about a Federal lawsuit filed today against Undersheriff Andy Zinke - the man Keith Nygren (and politicians Pamela Althoff and Mike Tryon and Tina Hill and Sue Low and others) wants to be the next Sheriff of McHenry County.

It seems Andy is believed to have run the license plate of Sondra Matterness, 78, of Woodstock.

You simply must read the story about sock-footed Andy running outside on January 13 in Woodstock. Now, I don't know where you were that day, but it was Winter in Woodstock. As in, Cold!

Click over and read the story. Then think about the LEADS database and the recent attention it got in Woodstock.

Was this the first time, Andy? Some people around you know, Andy, whether that was the first and only time... Tell the truth, now. Federal judges don't like liars.

After the fiasco in Woodstock recently, several law enforcement people asked me if I know how many times my name or license plates had been run through LEADS in the past 5-6-7 years. I can think of only three legitimate times, and maybe I'll go ahead and file FOIA requests with Woodstock PD and the McHenry County Sheriff's Department and find out.

Will the Illinois State Police be investigated Zinke? Are they already investigating him? If they aren't, why not?

Did Zinke's lawyer have a runny nose today? The sniffles? A little cough? How long will he play "musical deposition dates"? Will he try to get it beyond March 17?

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