The Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal
November 17, 1896
The Highways Committee of the Council presented a report to the Council on the 3rd inst. regarding the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896, and motor-cars in London. The committed stated that they had considered a letter from the Local Government Board, forwarding a copy of general regulations which it is proposed to make under the act. It appeared to the committee that, having regard to the crowded condition of many of the London thoroughfares, it is important that a regulation limiting the speed of such vehicles when travelling in London to a maximum of eight miles an hour instead of 14 should be made and issued before the Act comes into operation. There is little doubt, the committee stated, that if light locomotives were to be allowed to run at the rate of 14 miles an hour they would seriously interfere with the other traffic. The Board asked that observations upon the proposed general regulations might be submitted not later than October 31st, and the committee had accordingly, on behalf of the Council, made a representation to the Board of the necessity for such a regulation. The action of the committee was approved by the Council.