Topics: Joseph Lanus
The New York Times
November 26, 1922
Detectives Believe Wealthy Chicagoan Was Killed in Quarrel Over Car.
CHICAGO, Nov. 25.—A woman's glove found in an automobile near which the body of Joseph Lanus, wealthy head of an automobile sales company, with two bullet wounds in the back, was found last night in his garage, was one of the clues through which the police today were seeking to develop evidence to solve the mystery of the slaying. Detectives were inclined to believe Lanus was killed in connection with a quarrel over a car rather than that a woman was involved.
Lanus, known as "Handsome Joe," had many women friends, according to the police. He did an extensive business in selling cars on time payments and handling mortgages on such machines, and, according to employes, had quarreled with a man over such a deal on Wednesday.
Although Lanus was known as a bachelor and was reported engaged to Miss Mabel Gray of Bromley, Ky., a salesman formerly in Lanus's employ said he understood the automobile dealer once was married and had a son attending a Southern university.
Several men who had disagreements with Lanus over business matters were questioned by police today.
Miss Mary McArdle, Lanus's bookkeeper, and William Ferkin, a foreman, said that Lanus since the quarrel with an unidentified man on Wednesday had appeared nervous and fearful, and had asked Ferkin to attend him closely because he was expecting trouble with some one.