The New York Times
November 26, 1922
A booklet on "Portland Cement Concrete Roads," prepared by the Bureau of Public Roads, has been issued by the Department of Agriculture.
Particular attention is given to width of pavement on tangents and curves, transition curves, and superelevation. Practical field methods are described and tables and charts given of value to field engineers.
In re-mapping the principal road routes to Florida the National Motorists' Association is using a Buick roadmaster as the official car.
Alvin Macauley was re-elected President and General Manager of the Packard Motor Car Company at a recent annual meeting.
The Roskam Motor Sales Company has taken over the metropolitan distribution of the Columbia Six cars. The new salesroom in the Fisk building will be formally opened tomorrow. Edward Roskam heads the company and L. J. Seebeck is sales manager.
John N. Willys, President of the Willys-Overland Company, announces the appointment of L. G. Peed as sales manager to succeed A. C. Barber, who has taken over the Presidency of the Overland Motor Company of Chicago.
The Electric Motor Truck Association is planning a course of lectures covering every phase of electric truck maintenance. They will begin on Friday, Dec. 8, at the Electric Garage, Sixty-second Street and Central Park West.
The Dorris Motor Car Company of St. Louis announces a new four-passenger Pasadena model. It is built on the standard Dorris chassis of 132-inch wheelbase, with the six-cylinder valve-in-head engine.
The Moon Motor Car Company of St. Louis reports sales for October as 300 per cent. greater than for October, 1921, and 70 per cent. of August sales, which was the biggest month in the company's history.
The Detroit Cadillac Motor Car Corporation is planning to open a Bronx branch at 2,431 Grand Concourse about Jan. 1. Complete showroom and service facilities will be available.
American automobiles and motor trucks next year will use 5,876 miles of brake-lining, according to H. H. Wesley, New York manager of Johns-Manville, Inc., following a survey of automotive industries.'