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36 MORE Car Confessions from Whisper

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36 MORE Car Confessions from Whisper

Bill Crittenden
October 23, 2014

Whisper is a fun little iPhone app that lets people anonymously "confess" something.  BuzzFeed has taken to posting groups of funny, odd, or shocking "confessions" from the site, and I've been wondering how many of those had to relate to driving.  So, I downloaded the app, punched "driving" into the search, and this is what I found in about a half hour (a half hour! not even scraping the surface of the archives!):

Whisper Driving Confession

I hope it's not actually in a classic GTO. Makes you wonder about what's happened in used cars, though...

Whisper Driving Confession

I call bullshit. But it's funny, funny bullshit nonetheless.

Whisper Driving Confession

They let anybody online these days, don't they?

Whisper Driving Confession

And from the other side of NASCAR-related stupidity. Yes, NASCAR tried that. People died. They made the cars safer. People still died (ever hear of a fellow named Dale Earnhardt?). The cars were made even MORE safe. Nobody's died since.

Whisper Driving Confession

Someone who doesn't get the concept of NASCAR.

Whisper Driving Confession

Hoarding doesn't stop at the front door.

Whisper Driving Confession

I've heard random drivers yelling random things out of their windows at me while walking.

Whisper Driving Confession

Funny how that works.

Whisper Driving Confession

Yeah, that's a depressing way to start a road trip, let me tell ya!

Whisper Driving Confession

People are pretty direct on Whisper. Of course, I'd say it depends on the person AND on the car, really.

Whisper Driving Confession

As a man, I gotta say it's really sexy to see a woman work on her own car. <

Whisper Driving Confession

That "someone" should be the police in the first case. For second offenses that "someone" should involve child protective services.

Whisper Driving Confession

Oddly, that will probably attract more men...

Whisper Driving Confession

Umm, yeah, if someone could turn this person in before they hit a pedestrian, that'd be greaaaaat...

Whisper Driving Confession

Doesn't anyone know that Jesus can't drive?

Whisper Driving Confession

Bonus points for being in the pastor's car. Major bonus points if it was the pastor's daughter! Also, check the backseats with a blacklight before buying a car.

Whisper Driving Confession

"Moral support!" *Tears of laughter*

Whisper Driving Confession

Kia = Killed In Action.

Whisper Driving Confession


Whisper Driving Confession

I've had those thoughts, too. I wonder how many car accidents weren't accidental.

Whisper Driving Confession

I had a work training class with a woman who I didn't even notice until she fired up her modified Mustang next to my car when I had my window down. I wonder what the woman who wrote this Whisper was driving?

Whisper Driving Confession

Nothing makes a man feel more alive than a V8 and new car smell.

Whisper Driving Confession

Your driving is bad, and you should feel bad.

Whisper Driving Confession

Unfortunately, it's probably just a regular Chevrolet.

Whisper Driving Confession

Again, there has to be more information in these requests. Someone that looks like Sherman from American Pie trying to get it on in the back seat of his momma's Kia Rio just isn't going to be the same as the buff guy from the gym in his Benz.

Whisper Driving Confession

Depends on what passes me. Getting passed by a Ford Festiva 11 years ago still stings.

Whisper Driving Confession


Whisper Driving Confession

My worst roadkill fear is getting my car hosed as I hit one. There are a lot of them in my part of the country.

Whisper Driving Confession

This is how real life happens. Cars do not explode on the second shot into the general area of the trunk.

Whisper Driving Confession

Buying a car? Check the front seat with a black light, too.

Whisper Driving Confession

That's a happy birthday!

Whisper Driving Confession

Is this REALLY a thing, or are mutliple people coming up with the same lame Mario Kart joke? I NEVER see banana peels on the road when I drive.

Whisper Driving Confession

Or maybe it's the other way around, if she's giving road head, THEN it's a great relationship.

Whisper Driving Confession

That's a sad, sad way for a '58 Corvette to go.

Whisper Driving Confession

Come to think of it, just don't buy used cars.

Whisper Driving Confession

I've never heard this complaint before, but I suppose to a lot of women it would be an issue. So maybe men are NOT making it up that a cool car can get you laid?

The Crittenden Automotive Library