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Reference Desk: Models of the 1968 Chevrolet Impala and the 1973 Dodge Challenger

Hobbies Dodge Challenger Topics:  Chevrolet Impala
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Reference Desk: Models of the 1968 Chevrolet Impala and the 1973 Dodge Challenger

Bill Crittenden
November 26, 2014

As always, Reference Desk items are posted for two main reasons: hopefully, if someone has a question that's been asked before Google will direct someone to the answer here, and if you're reading this and you have better information than I do, please e-mail Admin@CarsAndRacingStuff.com with what you have and I can pass it along to the person who made the original request.

1973 Dodge Challenger

"Hopeless in Chicago" writes:

I'm wondering if you could possibly help me. My husband lost his brother (44 yrs old) the day before he himself turned 40, on April 4th. The pain of this loss is still crippling my family, especially my 10 year old son and 7 year old daughter. We were extremely close. He was also my daughter's godfather. My husband has been talking about how he and his brother owned a 73 Dodge Challenger together back when he was 12, I believe. He learned to turn wrenches on that bad boy. I have been searching the Internet looking for a diecast of this particular car. 73s are showcased as much. Do you have a replica or can you direct me to someone who does? I appreciate any/all help!

My response:

I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my sister at the age of 38 (I was 33).
So far it looks like the only die cast of the car is the Auto World 1:64 scale, which is about the size of a Hot Wheels car. And I can only find it in red.
But perhaps you'd be interested in something like the original sales brochure with all of the photos of the car? There's one on eBay, and it's at http://m.ebay.com/itm/like/370780903041?lpid=82
Or, if you have an old photograph of the actual car, or better yet the two boys with the car, Walmart does a type of canvas printing that will make it look like an art print: http://photos.walmart.com/walmart/storepage/storePageId=Wall+Art
For the more involved and adventurous, I did find this model kit of the car, which would give your husband something to work on in his brother's memory, detailing it to an exact replica of the car they had: http://www.modelcars.com/arii-1973-dodge-challenger.html
I really hope this helps.

I'm so excited that I was able to help, this sort of thing makes my work on The Crittenden Automotive Library and in particular these Reference Desk questions truly worthwhile! The response to my response:

I am sorry for your loss also. God must really need some youthful angels.
Thank you for such a detailed response! I was finding the hotwheel sized car too. I went ahead and purchased the brochure...thanks for that info! I actually love the idea of a model that my husband and son can work on together. They're both ridiculously artistic! It would be more personal if he cpuld recreate the actual color and everything. I started searching for models after I emailed you. The link you shared (thanks for that) shows out of stock. It says in stock under the picture but then says out of stock next to it.
I would love to get the extra help from people who follow your website, however, my husband is a HUGE car guy and probably follows your site LOL!! There is no way for me to be certain without asking and then he'd be sure to know I'm up to something.
In any case, all the info you provided is amazing and sooo helpful!! I appreciate the efforts you've made to help me. There are no photos of the pic bc his mom had a flood and many childhood pics were ruined. I will continue to search for a model he can make with our son.
Thanks again!

1968 Chevrolet Impala Model Kit

To whom it may concern,
I am hoping to find out where an individual obtained the model kit built for a contest posted on your site. If there is any information you can provide as to the model kit I would greatly appreciate is as I have been liking for this model for quite some time and have never found one without the gills on the front fenders and custom coupe roof line.
The model was a 68 Impala listed as “1968 Chevrolet Impala Lowrider” on this link to your page.
Please let me know of any information.

My response:

I don't know specifically which one this builder used, but MPC made a model kit back when the car was new. That kit can be hard to find and fairly expensive, and I can't find a re-issue of it. A lot of times the MPC molds were modified to make the next year's model. AMT, however, makes a much more recent model of a 1967 Impala, and here's a link on how to convert a 1967 to a 1968, including a mention of Model Car World's resin 1968 body which you would fill out with the 1967 AMT kit's engine & interior: http://www.layitlow.com/forums/30-model-cars/339778-making-1968-impala-out-1967-amt-impala.html

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