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Reports, Forms, and Recordkeeping Requirements

American Government

Reports, Forms, and Recordkeeping Requirements

Jeffrey P. Michael
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
April 21, 2014

[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 76 (Monday, April 21, 2014)]
[Pages 22183-22185]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-09028]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

[U.S. DOT Docket No. NHTSA-2014-0039]

Reports, Forms, and Recordkeeping Requirements

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 
Department of Transportation (DOT).

[[Page 22184]]

ACTION: Request for public comment on proposed collection of 


SUMMARY: Before a Federal agency can collect certain information from 
the public, it must receive approval from OMB. Under procedures 
established by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, before seeking OMB 
approval, Federal agencies must solicit public comment on proposed 
collections of information, including extensions and reinstatements of 
previously approved collections. This document describes a collection 
of information for which NHTSA intends to seek OMB approval.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before June 20, 2014.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments [identified by DOT Docket No. NHTSA-
2014-0039] by any of the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting 
     Mail: Docket Management Facility: U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building Ground Floor, 
Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
     Hand Delivery or Courier: U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building Ground Floor, 
Room W12-140, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, 
except Federal holidays. Telephone: 1-800-647-5527.
     Fax: 202-493-2251.
    Instructions: All submissions must include the agency name and 
docket number for this proposed collection of information. Note that 
all comments received will be posted without change to http://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. 
Please see the Privacy Act heading below.
    Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all 
comments received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual 
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf 
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT's 
complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on 
April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477-78) or you may visit http://docketsinfo.dot.gov/.
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or 
comments received, go to http://www.regulations.gov or the street 
address listed above. Follow the online instructions for accessing the 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Laurie Flaherty, Coordinator, 
National 911 Program, Office of Emergency Medical Services, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., NTI-140, Room W44-322, 
Washington, DC 20590. (202) 366-2705. laurie.flaherty@dot.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 
before an agency submits a proposed collection of information to OMB 
for approval, it must publish a document in the Federal Register 
providing a 60 day comment period and otherwise consult with members of 
the public and affected agencies concerning each proposed collection of 
information. The OMB has promulgated regulations describing what must 
be included in such a document. Under OMB's regulations (at 5 CFR 
1320.8(d)), an agency must ask for public comment on the following:
    (i) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for 
the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including 
whether the information will have practical utility;
    (ii) The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used;
    (iii) How to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and
    (iv) How to minimize the burden of the collection of information on 
those who are to respond, including the use of appropriate automated, 
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic 
submissions of responses. In compliance with these requirements, NHTSA 
asks public comment on the following proposed collection of 
    Title: National 911 Profile Database.
    OMB Control Number: N/A.
    FORM Number: This collection of information uses no standard forms, 
but does utilize a Web-based, data reporting/collection tool (http://resourcecenter.911.gov/code/9-1-1ProfileDatabase.aspx).
    Abstract: The National 911 Resource Center is funded by the 
National 911 Program, which is housed within the Office of Emergency 
Medical Services at NHTSA. The National 911 Resource Center is 
proposing to continue to collect and aggregate information from State 
level reporting entities that can be used to measure the progress of 
911 authorities across the country in enhancing their existing 
operations and migrating to--digital, Internet-Protocol-based emergency 
communication networks. The data will be maintained in a ``National 911 
Profile Database.'' One of the objectives of the National 911 Program 
is to develop, collect, and disseminate information concerning 
practices, procedures, and technology used in the implementation of E-
911 services and to support 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) 
and related State and local agencies for 911 deployment and operations. 
The national 911 Profile Database can be used to follow the progress of 
911 authorities in enhancing their existing systems and implementing 
next-generation networks for more advanced systems. The information can 
also be used to identify ways in which the National 911 Program can 
support State and local 911 authorities in the transition process.
    Description of the Need for the Information and Proposed Use of the 
Information--The goal of the data collection process is to support a 
national 911 profile that will be used to help accurately measure and 
depict the current status and planned capabilities of 911 systems 
across the United States. Evaluations, based upon the data collected, 
will help draw attention to key roadblocks and solutions in the 
deployment process and to target possible future activities and 
resources consistent with the goals of the program. The information in 
aggregated form will be available to State and local stakeholders in 
the public safety community. The information to be collected includes 
data useful to evaluating the status of 911 programs across the 
country, along with their progress of implementing advanced systems and 
capabilities. The data elements involved will fall within two major 
categories: baseline and progress benchmarks.
     ``Baseline'' data elements reflect the current status and 
nature of 911 operations from State to State. These elements are 
largely descriptive in nature, are intended to provide a general view 
of existing 911 services across the country, and are grouped within 
three categories: administrative, system, and fiscal data.
     ``Progress benchmarks'' reflect the status of State 
efforts to implement advanced, next generation 911 systems and 
capabilities. As titled, these data elements are largely implementation 
or deployment benchmarks against which progress can be measured. The 
elements involved are grouped in a logical order of planning, 
procurement, installation and testing, transition, and operations. 
Planning through testing elements reflects both State level and sub-
State level activity and efforts. Transitional

[[Page 22185]]

and operational elements specifically represent the latter.
    In order to collect information needed to develop and implement 
effective strategies that meet the Program's goal of providing 
leadership, coordination, guidance and direction to the enhancement of 
the Nation's 911 services, NHTSA proposes to utilize a Web-based, data 
reporting and collection tool accessible through the Web site: http://resourcecenter.911.gov/code/9-1-1ProfileDatabase.aspx.
    Description of the Likely Respondents (Including Estimated Number, 
and Proposed Frequency of Response to the Collection of Information):
    Under this proposed effort, the 911 Resource Center would 
specifically request reporting entities to voluntarily collect and 
annually report the data described above utilizing the described Web-
based data collection tool. Reporting entities are State-level 911 
program officials, and the data reported will reflect State-level 
aggregated data. The total number of respondents is identified at 56, 
including the 50 States and the six U.S. Territories of Guam, U.S. 
Minor Outlying Islands, American Samoa, Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin 
Islands, and Puerto Rico.
    The above reporting entities will be requested to annually update 
data relating to their State or territory using the described Web-based 
    Estimate of the Total Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Burden 
Resulting From the Collection of Information:
    NHTSA estimates that the time required to annually report the data 
described utilizing the Web-based tool will be three hours (two hours 
of preparation, one hour of entry to Web site) per reporting entity, 
for a total of 168 hours for all entities. The respondents would not 
incur any reporting costs from the information collection beyond the 
time it takes to gather the information, prepare it for reporting and 
then populate the Web-based data collection tool. The respondents also 
would not incur any recordkeeping burden or recordkeeping costs from 
the information collection.
    Public Comments Invited: You are asked to comment on any aspect of 
this information collection, including (a) Whether the proposed 
collection of information is necessary for the Department's 
performance; (b) the accuracy of the estimated burden; (c) ways for the 
Department to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the 
information collection; and (d) ways that the burden could be minimized 
without reducing the quality of the collected information. The agency 
will summarize and/or include your comments in the request for OMB's 
clearance of this information collection.

    Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995; 44 U.S.C. 
Chapter 35, as amended; and 49 CFR 1:48.

    Issued in Washington, DC on: April 15, 2014.
Jeffrey P. Michael,
Associate Administrator, Research and Program Development.
[FR Doc. 2014-09028 Filed 4-18-14; 8:45 am]

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