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Rimac Automobili awarded the best Croatian employer

Rimac Automobili awarded the best Croatian employer

Rimac Automobili
December 9, 2014

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Rimac Automobili Rimac Automobili Rimac Automobili
Zagreb, Croatia, December 5th 2014 – Rimac Automobli was voted the best employer in 2014 in the category of mid-size companies in the largest survey of employee satisfaction held in Croatia by the firm Moj Posao.

The company Moj Posao conducts anonymous surveys amongst employees in Croatian companies since 2007. This year 3000 employees participated by answering 80 questions regarding working conditions, corporate communication, work organization, loyalty of employees, human relations etc.

Rimac Automobili was declared the best employer in the category of mid-size companies. Second was Degordian while DHL International was ranked third. Regardless of size of the companies, the highest rates were achieved in the loyalty of employees and working conditions. It was Rimac Automobili that ranked highest in both categories overall.

“This is one of the most important acknowledgement to us. We are a fast growing company and we want to keep the working conditions and the satisfaction of our employees high. Only a great working atmosphere can lead to forward-thinking innovations and great products. We are very proud of these awards.” said Mate Rimac, CEO and founder of Rimac Automobili.

For more information, photos, video material or interviews please contact us:
Rimac Automobili, +385 1 563 4591
press@rimac-automobili.com or visit our web page: www.rimac-automobili.com

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