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Is It Humanly Possible To Teach Your Own Kids To Drive?
Is It Humanly Possible To Teach Your Own Kids To Drive?
Geoff Maxted
December 9, 2013
Are you a parent? Is there a humanoid bundle of inappropriate clothing sitting in the corner, grunting and complaining that you don’t understand? Well, did you know that teaching your teenage child to drive can be a bonding experience? This is what we are told. There’s a lot of stuff about bonding flying about, usually written by child-less psychologists who have never experienced the raging hormones of those pre-adult years. The horror.
Nevertheless, you could be the one who teaches the fruit of your loins how to drive safely and responsibly. Whether you plan on teaching them alone, or want to work with their driving instructor, there are many things you can do to help them learn how to drive. Here’s some ideas: Rule Number One: Don’t Panic.
Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. This is the way forward. You can't simply lecture or yell because they are used to that. It will only cause withdrawal and sneering. You must give them clear instructions on what to do whilst - and this is key - remaining as patient as a penitent monk’s calmer brother. Encourage them to ask questions. If they cock it up try to remain calm and explain to them what they did wrong in a positive, yet friendly, manner. Hey, nobody said this was easy.
Work in conjunction with the rules and regulations of the Highway Code and with the assistance of a registered driving instructor. It is my view that parents can sometimes pass on the habitual faults that most of us are guilty of. The object of the exercise, really, is to save money on costs whilst ensuring the brat is properly trained. Perhaps it is best to use your expertise to reinforce the lessons learned officially.
Find a quiet area away from traffic. Sunday’s are good on trading estates, for example. Being on your own time means you can take it slow; one step at a time. Teenagers have a lot on their mind. Most of it imagined and some of it best kept behind closed bathroom doors, but reinforcing the idea that once on the road in their own personal wheels they will no longer be trapped in a house with you two is sure to have an electrifying effect and is known to bring on even the worst pupils in leaps and bounds.
Put a couple of large cardboard boxes or beer crates in the boot to practice parallel parking. It’s a lot cheaper than paying repair bills and increased insurance premiums. Leave the busy roads and the bad weather driving to the driving school.
Remember; the chances are you will be using your own car. Therefore it is crucial that you remember the final rule: Don’t Panic. If you get into a funk it will rub off on the offspring. This will just make things worse.
I remember when my old Dad tried to teach me to drive. By the end of the first half hour we were outside the car having a fight. How we laughed afterwards. Maybe the best way to go after all is to issue your advice from the safety of an armchair or through a recently slammed bedroom door. Just cough up and leave it to the professionals. That’s my advice.