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Music, Romance And A Motor
Music, Romance And A Motor
Geoff Maxted
November 12, 2013
It used to be so easy. You’d take your Chevy to the levee - whilst wearing a white sport coat and a pink carnation - just to tell Laura you love her. Romance was simple all those long days ago; boy meets girl and assesses the merits of the back seat. That’s how it worked.
Can’t do that anymore. Not in today’s modern politically correct world. Girls have as much right to drive as boys (and rightly so, obviously) but that doesn’t mean that motoring romance is dead.
Music goes so well with cars. There’s a soundtrack for all the major auto-activities and drives that we undertake and, best of all, it is still fine to enjoy romantic music on that late night drive home with your best boy/girl/whatever by your side.
DriveWrite sees it as something of a duty to ensure that your early hours cruise home is as sublime and romantic as possible. For example, Fleetwood Mac’s Albatross is a given as is When Something Is Wrong
With My Baby from the legendary Stax label favourites Sam and Dave. Many of the great soul balladeers will fit the bill.
Or, for something completely different, try some of the smooth Latin sounds of Amaral from Spain. A DriveWrite favourite is
Sin Ti No Soy Nada. See the video
You will no doubt have your own choices but if your musical taste will always hurt the one you love make sure the melody fit’s the mood. Like this from the late great Otis Redding: