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ISCARS to Present Trophy at 10th Annual ATC Car Show in Daytona Beach

Stock Car Racing

ISCARS to Present Trophy at 10th Annual ATC Car Show in Daytona Beach

January 13, 2012

Robert Tighe III
Updated: Friday, January 13, 2012
Daytona Beach, FL -

International Sport Compact Auto Racing Series (ISCARS) will be represented at the upcoming 10th annual ATC Car Show hosted by Daytona State College’s Advanced Technology College campus on Saturday, Jan. 21.

“We are excited to have ISCARS represented at this year’s show and hope other businesses will explore participating in the future,” said Doug Giacobbe, the show’s principal organizer for the college. “We want each event to be better than the year before, as it has proven to be an effective recruiting tool for Daytona State and an enjoyable time for auto enthusiasts from throughout the region.”

ISCARS, based in Ormond Beach, FL, is “America’s Premier Stock Car Tuner Series” and holds events in several states throughout the country.

Daytona State’s ATC campus and ISCARS have a common thread. The ATC, located at 1770 Technology Blvd. in Daytona Beach, is where many of the college’s high-technology training programs are housed, including computer science, simulation technology, automotive technology and performance engine technology, to name just a few. ISCARS has embraced modern technology, introducing “Tuner-style” sport compact bodies, direct port fuel injection and forced induction into traditional grassroots circle track stock car racing.

“I have been following the growth of the ATC over the years, and know several students who are currently attending or have benefited from the education and skills training they received there,” said ISCARS President and CEO Randy Claypoole.

At the auto show, ISCARS will present the “Best in Show” trophy for the Fast and Furious category, which closely identifies with the company’s target demographic.

“I hope that our involvement with the ATC Auto Show will draw increased attention to the college’s technologically advanced educational programs,” said Claypoole. “Anything we can do to encourage today’s youth to seek a quality education also will help them prepare for exciting careers in auto racing or other technology driven industries.”

ISCARS is sanctioned by the American Speed Association (ASA), www.asa-racing.com. For more information on ISCARS, please visit www.iscarsonline.com.

For additional information on the Tenth Annual ATC Car Show log on to http://www.daytonastate.edu/CarShow/

Daytona State College – Doug Giacobbe at (386) 785-2051 or Giacobd@DaytonaState.edu

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