The New York Times
August 13, 1908
Ready to Enter Three Cars in Automobile Club's Event at Savannah.
Announcements emanating from the Automobile Club of America yesterday indicate that the small car race projected by the club in connection with the Grand Prize race at Savannah on Thanksgiving Day will receive an enthusiastic welcome from the small car builders in America. Henry Ford was yesterday in consultation with Robert Lee Morrell, Chairman of the Automobile Club's Contest Committee, and is quoted at the conclusion of the conference as willing to enter three cars. It is said that C. R. Stoddard of the Stoddard-Dayton factory is on his way to New York from Chicago to urge the holding of the race. Mr. Stoddard is credited with an intention to enter three cars. The meeting of the Contest Committee, which will decide whether or not the contest shall be organized, will be held on Tuesday of next week.