Reference Desk: 2005 Indy Japan 300 |
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Topics: Indy Japan 300
Bill Crittenden
May 30, 2015
Dan writes:
I am trying to locate a copy of the racing program from the 2005 Indy Japan 300 that was run at the Twin Ring Motegi Raceway on April 30, 2005. Can you suggest a source? I have not seen one on any auction site or advertised by major racing collectibles shops and have been searching for a year and a half..
Thank you.
I couldn't find one, either. But since it's a local item likely purchased by primarily Japanese-speaking people I had better luck searching for "2005インディジャパン300" than "2005 Indy Japan 300." I'm not sure how accurate that translation is, it's what Google Translate gave me.
Unfortunately, I could only find a 2006 program (you can see the listing at but as sales come and go keep trying the Japanese version of the search.
I'll also put a note on (in English and Japanese) that someone's looking for this item and hopefully someone will come across it that knows where to find one.
Best of luck!