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Vauxhall Creates The World's Largest GPS Drawing (With A Little Help From Speedmonkey)

Topics:  Vauxhall Corsa

Vauxhall Creates The World's Largest GPS Drawing (With A Little Help From Speedmonkey)

Matt Hubbard
October 31, 2014

Speedmonkey recently drove the Vauxhall Corsa at its UK launch and helped draw the largest GPS drawing in the world, a giant Halloween themed mural

Vauxhall Corsa Halloween Mural Vauxhall Corsa Halloween MuralThe World's Largest GPS Drawing
Vauxhall has revealed this piece of GPS art, created by a Corsa. It's was dreamt up and largely completed by US artist, Jeremy Wood. GPS art is created by placing a GPS unit in a car, driving and recording the data trail.

The previous record was 4,500 miles long but Vauxhall's 6,080 mile GPS drawing was validated by Guinness World Records as a new record.

I drove the Corsa around Gloucestershire with a GPS unit in the test car, so would have created some of the Ls and part of the cobweb.

For the record the new Corsa is a great little car with a brilliant ride and handling to match that of the Fiesta. Check out my Corsa review here.

By Matt Hubbard (Guinness World Record holder)

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