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Leonardo DiCaprio's Team Completes the Formula E Grid

Open Wheel Racing Topics:  Formula E, Venturi Formula E Team

Leonardo DiCaprio's Team Completes the Formula E Grid

Matt Hubbard
December 9, 2013

Hollywood actor and eco-head Leonardo DiCraprio has formed a Formula E team in a joint venture with Venturi Automobiles.

Venturi Formula E Team
The new team, Venturi Grand Prix Formula E Team, will be based out of Monaco and are the tenth and final confirmed team on the grid for the electric racing series.

Formula E will compete at 10 city centre races across the globe, including events in Beijing, Los Angeles and London.

The full list of teams who have committed to Formula E for 2014 and 2015 is:

1. Drayson Racing Formula E Team (UK)

2. China Racing Formula E Team (China)

3. Andretti Autosport Formula E Team (USA)

4. Dragon Racing Formula E Team (USA)

5. e.dams Formula E Team (France)

6. Super Aguri Formula E Team (Japan)

7. Audi Sport ABT Formula E Team (Germany)

8. Mahindra Racing Formula E Team (India)

9. Virgin Racing Formula E Team (UK)

10. Venturi Formula E Team (Monaco)

Some big names in there. And Super Aguri. You can read more about the Formula E championship here.

Here's what the cars look like:

Formula E Car

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