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Cock of the day award goes to Mercedes B Class T2PAG
Cock of the day award goes to Mercedes B Class T2PAG
Matt Hubbard
June 19, 2013
When I asked
what most irritates you about other drivers so many people said,
"People who do 40 in a 30 and 40 in a 60," as to have been a pretty much universal hatred.
We all come across them, and living on a 60mph road but close by a 30mph village I do on a daily basis. Take today for example. This Mercedes B Class pulled in front of me whilst I drove through the village and carried on at 40mph.
Then we hit the 60mph A-road and the driver continued to tootle along at 40mph without a care in the world. And it's that, I think, that irritates most people. If they are doing the same speed everywhere then they aren't taking any notice of their surroundings and are therefore a menace.
Before anyone says anything, yes I took the photos with my phone, with one hand on the wheel and the other quickly snapping the Merc. The phone was on the passenger seat and it was quick and easy and I hardly needed to look down, but I acknowledge it's something we shouldn't do.