The New York Times
August 13, 1900
Husband of Woman Killed by Motor Carriage Asks for an Indictment
HACKENSACK, N. J., Aug. 12.—John McGuire, a conductor on the Erie Railroad, will, he says, appear before the Grand Jury next month and ask for the indictment of Dr. Vroom of Ridgewood in connection with the death of Mrs. McGuire a short time ago. Mrs. McGuire sustained injuries in a collision between a horse drawing a wagon driven by her and Dr. Vroom's motor carriage. Mr. McGuire has entered a civil action for $25,000 damages, but also, he says, will push the case in the criminal courts.
He alleges is was Dr. Vroom's inability to manage his motor carriage that caused the trouble. He says his wife had drawn her rig into the gutter to allow the doctor's vehicle to pass, but that the doctor was not able to turn, and dashed straight at Mrs. McGuire's wagon. Mr. McGuire claims to have evidence to show that both before and after the accident the motor has run into trees and upon the sidewalks, owing to the inability of its operator to control it. He says the doctor has no license to run machine on the public highways.
Dr. Vroom is one of the Coroners of the county, a successful phsyician, and a man very highly thought of in Ridgewood and vicinity. He has found the motor carriage a great help to him in attending to his widely scattered practice.