![]() Infrastructure |
Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence
Congressional Record: 114th Congress
July 10, 2015
[Page: H5035]
(Mrs. LAWRENCE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)
Mrs. LAWRENCE. Madam Speaker, we are less than 3 weeks away from the expiration of the national highway trust fund, and we are, once again, talking about another extension.
The Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association estimates that Congress' failure to come up with a long-term plan has cost State of Michigan taxpayers more than $350 million. We have ample time and multiple plans to fix this problem. Which plan do you like?
We need to get to work. What about the Department of Transportation's GROW America Act, which raises $478 billion over 6 years? Or Michigan's Getting Beyond Gridlock plan that raises $410 billion over 6 years?
Republicans don't want to raise taxes. Democrats don't want to hurt the middle class or the lower-income families, but we must make those choices. We must take the vote, and we must keep our promise to America to fix our infrastructure. It is time to act.