The New York Times
November 19, 1922
Proposed to Limit Time Thoroughfare May Be Used By Freight and Heavy Vehicles.
For the study which the Traffic Committee of the Broadway Association is making as to means which may be employed for relieving the traffic congestion that now exists in certain sections, of the street, many valuable suggestions have been made.
One of the most practical of these suggestions, according to the Secretary of the association, "proposes a limitation by ordinance of the hours during which Broadway in its downtown sections may be used by freight vehicles. The plan under consideration would provide that Broadway, south of Columbus Circle, should not be used by trucks and freight vehicles between the hours of 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. for more than one block.
"This or similar regulation now obtains on certain of the other important thoroughfares of the city, and its application to Broadway would greatly reduce the congestion which now occurs in the downtown sections of the street.
"Not only will this limitation upon the use of the street by freight vehicles open Broadway more to passenger motors, but it should be the means of improving the street car service, for it will be remembered that in the recent hearings before the Transit Commission on the New York Railway Company's line officials of the latter company contended that the headway of their cars was seriously interfered with by the heavy trucks that blocked the street.
"In fact, the statement was made that any increase in the number of cars operated would not provide the added passenger facilities required, as the company was now using the maximum number of cars that could be employed under existing traffic conditions.
"This proposal as to freight vehicles is being considered by the Traffic Committee of the Broadway Association in connection with proposals for the better regulation of parking and other matters beating upon Broadway traffic conditions."
As it is clearly apparent that traffic on this busy main thoroughfare is seriously impeded by trucks and heavy freight vehicles, the one block limit for them seems a reasonable requirement during the busy hours of the day."