Topics: Krit, Lawrence Moore, George A. Crittenden
The San Francisco Call
April 20, 1913
President Moore of Detroit Factory Leaves Here in Happy Mind
After personally going into every detail for conducting a progressive campaign having as its object the making of the Krit as popular on the coast as it is at present in the middle west and eastern states, Mr. Lawrence Moore, president of the Krit Motor Car Company of Detroit, left this city yesterday for the northwest, en route to the Detroit factory.
Mr. Moore and Mr. Warren, the coast representative, with Mr. C. F. Orra, the newly appointed representative for the Krit line in this territory, have been in close conference for several days, and as a result Mr. Orra starts at once on the work of developing the Krit trade in the territory of northern California and the Hawaiian islands.
Mr. Moore has been on the coast for the last three weeks, most of which time he spent in Los Angeles with the Krit representative for southern California. He is enthusiastic over the outlook for the motor car trade in the west and intends to develop it to the limit. While here he made all arrangements for the establishment of a parts service depot with a coast factory representation associated with Mr. Orra.
The Krit car has made wonderful progress wherever we have secured a foothold," says Mr. Moore. "We are now the second larger exporters of automobiles in the United States.
"George A. Crittenden of the Krit Motor Car company recently returned from an extensive European trip made in the interests of his organization. Mr. Crittenden, a keen observer, had many interesting things to report, among which were significant comments on the condition of the automobile industry in England.
"The American made low and medium priced car, Mr. Crittenden tells me, has become a fixture in England, and I believe that owing to their peculiar manufacturing methods the United States will export more of these types of cars each year.
"Having these beautiful roads and practically no speed limit, cars must be built and designed to stand under the vibration caused by speed driving, whereas a car to be successful in the United States, must be built principally to withstand great road shocks. A car designed and built to meet the combination of these demands is certainly an ideal one.
"The buying seasons in England are more pronounced than they were a few years ago, which I believe is due to the announcements of seasonable models by American manufacturers; and as soon as we do away with having any special time of the year in which to add the improvements, English buyers will take as many or more cars in the winter than they do now in the Spring.
"Their selling methods are very interesting indeed. It would be practically impossible to follow up a prospect either by correspondence or personally and ever sell him a car. The Englishman must be left alone until he calls at the dealer's place of business, and if he cares for a demonstration, he will ask for one. If he does not buy during his first call, the dealer must wait until he either calls again or writes a note asking the dealer to call on him; and if he is bothered by the dealer, either personally or by correspondence, in the meantime, the sale is surely lost.