The Pittsburgh Press
September 21, 1924
The West Virginia state police bought a Chrysler six following one of the oddest demonstrations on record. G. M. Davis, manager of the Tri-Motor Sales Co., Maxwell-Chrysler dealers of Clarksburg, W. Va., the home town of John W. Davis, Democratic presidential nominee, was in a hurry to reach Fairmont, 25 miles away. He was in such a hurry that his Chrysler did it at night in the rain over slippery roads in 30 minutes.
While running along at 50 miles an hour he noticed a state trooper behind him. "I supposed he was chasing me," he said later, "as there was no one else I could see who needed to be chased for speeding. But I stepped on it.
"Some time after I reached Fairmont the trooper rode in. He said he had endeavored to catch me for 15 miles and supposed I must have been at least seven miles ahead of him when I reached Fairmont. The damage was $56.60, but the trooper was so thoroughly sold by my inadvertent demonstration that the state bought one a few days later.