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Short and Sweet on Sports: Stocks Will Have To Win 'Back' Fans

Stock Car Racing Topics:  Ocala Speedway

Short and Sweet on Sports: Stocks Will Have To Win 'Back' Fans

Norm Froscher, Ocala Star-Banner Sports Editor
March 3, 1957

Norm Froscher
Auto racing fans in the area will probably be pleased to hear of the resumption of stock car competition at the Ocala Speedway shortly.

Joe Alberger, who is promoting the revival of the events, vows that he will try to rekindle the interest which the autos had stirred here last year.

It is of course to his advantage, since he stands to make a buck, to do just that by giving the fans entertainment and being fair and generous to the drivers.

Our contention is that the former promoter would still be in business if he had not tried to bring midget racers here in place of the stocks on several occasions.

His strategy needs no rehashing here, but the fact remains that the oval was draying good crowds until he substituted the big midgets on two Saturday night programs — one of which was rained out.

The touring midgets needed a guarantee of 1,000 bucks before putting in an appearance and it was just too much to bank on when the stands wouldn't seat but about 1,000 persons, even if they turned out.

Alberger, who owns Bill's Service Station on the Gainsville Highway, says he will try to give the public good races and at the same time keep them entertained and comfortable.

If he does, there seems to be no reason why stock car racing could not be brought back to this area, at least for a good part of the year. It'll probably be an uphill fight, though.

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