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Ocala Speedway To Be Reopened

Stock Car Racing Topics:  Ocala Speedway

Ocala Speedway To Be Reopened

Norm Froscher, Star-Banner Sports Editor
March 3, 1957

Stock car auto racing is scheduled to resume at the Ocala Speedway Saturday night, Mar. 16.

Joe Alberger, local service station owner and racing enthusiast, told the Star-Banner yesterday that he has leased the idle one-quarter mile oval and plans to begin seven race cards each Saturday night.

The track, located at Zuber, about six miles north of Ocala, has been idle since racing was discontinued by promoter Jimmy Wootton of Orlando last year.

Alberger announced that the stands and parking area will be made ready for the Mar. 16 opening, while the clay track is also being reworked.

An attempt to lure local drivers to the track would be made through having one or two races each weekend given over to "jallopies" or old model cars having only the necessary roll bar and safety belt equipment.

"In this way we may be able to encourage the participation of drivers who have not owned stocks before and would like to start driving," Alberger said.

Admission to the races has been set at 90 cents with children under 12 admitted free if accompanied by their parents, he announced. The reduction from a dollar is being made in order to pass a tax saving on to the fans, Alberger said.

Among the new features expected to be put into effect at the oval are free programs for each night's races, soda and hot dog salesmen in the stands, giveaway of a checkered winners flag to the audience after each race and accurate timing of each race.

"By timing the races will be able to keep closer tabs on just which are the fastest cars and continue to keep records from week to week," Alberger said.

Alberger pointed out that toilet facilities in both the White and Negro bleachers were being refurbished, while the parking area is receiving several loads of gravel.

The stands will seat about 1,000 persons.

Alberger plans to run seven race cards, consisting of three heat races, two semifinals, a consolation and a 20-lap feature each weekend.

He indicated that top money would be paid to drivers and purses will be determined by the amount of money paid for admission.

Several Ocala drivers, plus a number of racers from Hernando and Inverness have indicated they would enter cars, Alberger said.

Prospective drivers may contact Alberger at MA 9-3375 for further information. He is the owner of Bill's Service Station on the Gainesville Highway.

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