The San Francisco Call
December 10, 1911
Motor Vehicle Is Fast Replacing Horse in Solving the Hauling Problem
Eight thousand commercial automobiles are registered in New York state, according to a statement made by Secretary of State Lazansky at Richmond, Va., last week. Yet the production and use of motor trucks and delivery wagons is only fairly under way. It is the consensus of opinion that in a few years this branch of the automobile industry will exceed in importance and volume the passenger car business that has now become the third largest manufacturing industry of the country, with exports amounting to $20,000,000 annually.
At least 50 per cent of the commercial cars registered in the state are used in Greater New York, where conditions now almost prohibit the economical use of horses. Business men who before were "on the fence" in the matter of adopting mechanical haulage and delivery were converted last July, when 1,600 horses died of the heat.