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Topics:  Krit, F.A. Carr, Arizona Motor Company


The Arizona Republican
July 14, 1912

F. A. Carr of Arizona Motor Company on West Washington, Will Handle the Classy New Automobile Line in Near Future

The installation of a new line in any class of trade is always difficult, particularly so in the automobile business. There are certain prejudices to overcome which takes a great deal of hard work and conscientious advertising. But there is one man in Phoenix who will start dealing in a hitherto unknown motor with less hardship than ordinarily attends such a proceeding. He is F. A. Carr of the Arizona Motor Company on West Washington Street. His new machine is the Krit and therein lies the secret of his promises early success. The Krit has demonstrated its worth in the east and on the coast, where the standard of petrol vehicles is high. At its surprisingly reasonable price, it has loomed up as one of the most popular pleasure and business motors ever handled in America.

Mr. Carr has ordered by contract one hundred Krit automobiles, but such is the rush of work at the Detroit factory, the sales department is 'way ahead of the machine shop, with little prospect that congestion can be relieved before fall. Everybody's working at the Krit shop to help catch up with the orders. One car has been shipped to Phoenix as a demonstration, and if he doesn't look out some smooth buyer will talk Mr. Carr out of that buggy. Local orders amount to over a half a dozen Krits already though no special effort has been made to advertise or exploit the car. Carr wonders what they will do when he really sets in to sell cars.

Here are some of the points that make the Krit a good seller on the motor market. Equipment is very complete and up to date. Top and windshield, the old stand-bys of the motor dealer are thrown in as a matter of course. Beside there are the extra rim, lamps of the newest design for gas and oil and Bosch magneto and Stromberg carburettor. No more popular juice and gas producers have every been built as these two, and they are part of the embodiment of carefulness and efficiency in the Krit.

The motor is ball bearing throughout. Very few modern engines develop the speedy smoothness of running the Krit does, and those equaling it in this feature are all buried in the frames of high-priced cars of then

The long wheel base of 106 in. makes riding easy and comfortable. Rims are 32 by 3½ and demountable. An extra one is sum furnished for emergency cases. The transmission is selective, three speeds forward and reverse, with a multiple disc clutch of new and efficient design. The axle is the Russell semi-floating type to increase smoothness of running and weaken shocks to the frame.

Speaking of the Krit the other day Carr said, "I have had twelve years experience in the motor field and never have I seen such a good looking proposition as the Krit for $1000. I went carefully over for the field before I selected this line and my time has, I believe been repaid by the find. We are going to push the little motor with our best efforts, beginning as soon as material arrives. My first shipment is delayed at the factory and no one knows when Krits will be available."

The Crittenden Automotive Library