![]() General Motors Control Adds 67 Corporations to Du Pont Interests |
Topics: General Motors, Du Pont
Arizona Republican
December 19, 1920
NEW YORK, Dec. 18—(Special)—With the acquisition of the control of the General Motors company, the du Ponts and the J. P. Morgan company have added 68 additional corporations to their already tremendous interests. This group, next to the United States Steel company, also under domination of Morgan interests, constitutes the second largest industrial enterprise in the United States.
The du Ponts have been interested in General Motors stock for several years. Last June they affiliated with the Morgan interests and the combined holdings of the two concerns amounts to greater than 50 per cent of the General Motor stock.
The great fund of new capital back of the General Motors company now makes possible a tremendous expansion, although it is the opinion here that no immediate extension is contemplated at this time. W. C. Durant, whose holdings were taken over, will very likely be chosen as chairman of the board of directors of the company, as Durant is considered one of the pillars of the automobile industry, and his brains and imagination, together with his genius for financial organization will very likely cause his retention as the directing head of the concern.
No change in the organization of the General Motors is contemplated, according to information given out here, and the various divisions and subsidiaries will remain as they now are.
The list of units now controlled by General Motors, and which are now under du Pont and Morgan control are as follows:
General Motors Group
Buick Motor Div., Flint.
Cadillac Motor Car Div., Detroit.
General Motor Truck Div., Pontiac.
Oakland Motor Car Div., Pontiac.
Olds Motor Works Div., Lansing.
Scripps-Booth Corp., Detroit.
Sheridan Motor Car Co., Muncie.
Chevrolet Group
Chevrolet Motor Co. of Mich., Detroit.
Chevrolet Motor Co. of N. Y. Tarrytown.
Chevrolet Motor Co. of St. Louis, St. Louis.
Toledo Chevrolet Motor Co., Toledo.
Chevrolet Motor Co. of Bay City, Bay City.
Chevrolet Motor Co. of Kansas, Kansas City.
Chevrolet Motor Co. of Atlanta, Atlanta.
Chevrolet Motor Co. of Minn., Minnesota.
Chevrolet Motor Co. of Cal., California.
General Motors of Canada, Ltd.
Canadian Products, Ltd., Div., Walkersville.
Chevrolet Motor Co. of Canada Div., Oshawa.
McLaughlin Motor Car Div., Oshawa.
Olds Motor Works of Canada Div., Oshawa.
Tractors and Implements
Samson Tractor Div., Janesville.
Samson Tractor Co. of Cal., Stockton.
United Motors Group
Buffalo Metal Goods, Co., Buffalo.
Dayton Eng. Laboratories Co., Dayton.
Harrison Radiator Corp., Lockport.
Hyatt Roller Bearing Div., Newark.
Jaxon Steel Products Div., Jackson.
Klaxon Co., Newark.
Lancaster Steel Products Corp., Lancaster.
Remy Electric Div., Anderson.
Champion Ignition Co., Flint.
Dayton-Wright Co., Dayton.
Delco-Light Co., Dayton.
Frigidaire Corp., Detroit.
General Motors (Europe), Ltd., London.
General Motors Export Co., New York.
Sunnyhome Electric Co., Detroit.
General Products Division
Central Axle Div., Detroit.
Central Forge Div., Detroit.
Central Gear. Div., Detroit.
Northway Motor & Mfg. Div., Detroit.
Muncie Products Division
Muncie Parts Div., Muncie.
T. W. Warner Plant, Muncie.
Saginaw Products Division
Central Foundry Div., Saginaw.
Central Motor Div., Saginaw.
Jackson-Church-Wilson Div., Saginaw.
Saginaw Malleable Iron Co., Saginaw.
Michigan Crank Shaft Div., Lansing.
St. Louis Mfg. Corp., St. Louis.
Dayton Metal Products Co., Dayton.
Domestic Engineering Co., Dayton.
Doylestown Agricultural Co., Doylestown.
Fisher Body Corp., Detroit.
General Motors Acceptance Corp., New York.
Industrial Terminal Corp., Detroit.
Janesville Machine Co., Janesville.
Lancaster Steel Products Corp., Lancaster.
Bearings Service Co., Detroit.
Brown-Lipe Chapin Co., Syracuse.
Doehler Die Casting Co., Brooklyn.
Durant Building Corp., Detroit.
Flint Varnish & Color Works, Flint, Mich.
Independent Lamp & Wire Co., Weehawen.
Consumers Power Co., Durant Hotel co., House Financing Corp., Hyatt Ltd., Lansing Home Building Co., Modern Housing Corp., Novelty Incandescent Lamp Co., Wisconsin River Power Co.