Topics: General Motors
Arizona Republican
November 20, 1921
DETROIT, Nov. 19 (Special)
P. S. du Pont, president of the General Motors Corporation, makes the following announcement regarding the air-cooled type of motor which the corporation is developing.
"The General Motors Corporation has been experimenting for several years past with air cooled types of motors, as also it has been developing other types of motors and improvements incident to automotive practice.
"This work is conducted by a subsidiary of the corporation known as the General Motors Research Corporation located at Dayton Ohio, under the direction of C F.. Kettering.
"The development of the air-cooled motors has reached a point where experimental models have been completed and exhaustive studies and tests are now being conducted. As to when production will commence, what manufacturing divisions of the corporation will develop and sell this model; also this must of necessity be held in abeyance until such time as the experimental development work is finally completed and the corporation is assured that these new products , which I must necessarily stand sponsor for, are everything that might be desired.