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Wakefield Buick Has Long Record Of Outstanding Service

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Wakefield Buick Has Long Record Of Outstanding Service

The Spartanburg Herald
March 4, 1954

Jim Wakefield
Agency Has Grown Fast; Has Large, Modern Plant

Wakefield Buick looks back on an outstanding record of service to a wide and growing clientele of Spartans who drive Buick automobiles.

Ahead, the company confidently expects to be in the vanguard of Buick's nationwide march toward the goal of 10 per cent of America's total automobile market.

Manager J. W. Wakefield, Jr. pointed out that, besides offering a complete line of fine-quality automobiles, the agency offers superior service to car owners through one of the very few automobile service plants in this area designed and built especially for the postwar automobile business.

The Wakefield company's history dates back to 1945, when J. W. Wakefield opened the present showroom, just completed at that time, at the intersection of Liberty and St. John streets.

Prior to that time, Mr. Wakefield, still president of the firm, has been sales manager for the Buick agency in Columbia. He has been in the automobile business since 1909, and since 1929 has handled Buicks.

J. W. Wakefield, Jr., who since last year has managed the firm, is thoroughly optimistic about the future of Buick in the Spartanburg area. "The 1954 Buick," he said, "is undoubtedly the greatest car we've ever handled."

Wakefield's service department has 14,000 square feet of active working space, making it one of the largest. Parking and storage space is in addition to this.

The department is one of the most modern in the state, with complete equipment for every phase of servicing, including electronic test and adjustment equipment for many types of work. A complete stock of Buick parts and accessories is kept up to date by the parts department at all times.

Wakefield's used car department specializes in high - value, long-serviceability automobles for the value-conscious used car buyer. At present, this department is located on a lot adjacent to the building. Plans have been made, however, to transfer it to a new and larger location on St. John Street Extension, near the intersection with W. Main Street.

The company's staff totals 37 men and women, each trained and experienced in his phase of the agency's operation. New car salesmen are Claude Bennett, Milton Powers and Carl Marshall.

Jim Dunn, used car manager, heads a staff of salesmen including Ralph Lutrell, T. T. Garrett, Jack Foster, Bill Salerno and Curtis Cooksey.

Service manager is Pat Gabrels. The service staff includes four factory-trained mechanics, all of whom have been with Wakefield seven years or longer. These are Sam Watson, Eugene Hanks, Clarence Collyer and Ben Humphries. They are assisted by three skilled helpers.

The body shop, headed by Charley Guy, offers complete service and repairing of all car bodies. Five body men work under Mr. Guy.

The parts department is managed by Boyd Gosnell, with Frank Morris as assistant. Mrs. Harry Galloway is office manager, with Lloyd White and Mrs. Ruth Gosnell as assistants.

The Crittenden Automotive Library