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Recognizing Fireball Run Adventure Rally's Visit to Curwensville

American Government Topics:  Fireball Run Adventurally

Recognizing Fireball Run Adventure Rally's Visit to Curwensville

Congressman Glenn Thompson
Congressional Record: 114th Congress
21 September 2016

(Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recognition of an event in Pennsylvania's Fifth Congressional District--and across New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Massachusetts--raising awareness for missing children across our Nation.

Fireball Run is an 8-day, 2,000-mile road rally competition starting this Friday and running through Saturday, October 1. This Sunday, I will be joining the teams in Curwensville, located in Pennsylvania's Fifth Congressional District.

While I have been told that the race itself is a lot of fun, what really impresses me about the Fireball Run is the effort made to raise awareness for missing children across the United States of America.

Every driving team is assigned a child missing from their home area, in addition to being provided 1,000 missing child flyers to distribute along their 2,000-mile journey. Since the start of Fireball Run 10 years ago, the campaign has aided in the recovery of 44 missing children.

I commend everyone involved in Fireball Run for their selfless efforts in raising awareness for this important issue, and I wish them the best of luck and safety as their journey begins on Friday.

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