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Pastafarians - unite!

American Government

Pastafarians - unite!

Gus Philpott, The Woodstock Advocate
13 July 2016 (2:06 PM)

OK, folks. Grab your noodle strainers (colanders) and head over to the DMV for your new driver's license photo.

After all, if Arlington Heights' student Rachel Hoover, age 21, can get her D/L with a colander on her bean, why can't you? This is what our country is raising today, thanks to all your hard-earning dollars pouring into education.

It's a religious thing, don't you know? The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I'm not sure you want to make your checks out to CFSM and try to claim a tax deduction yet.

Check out Eric Zorn's article in the Chicago Tribune.

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