![]() All About Brakes And Its Functional Mechanics |
Steven Magill
29 January 2013
We all have heard of accidents cause the malfunctioning or exploding break systems. Car speed can be a very dangerous force that is only operationally tamed by the brakes while car is running. That is why sudden absence of brakes when it is always expected to contain and control the wildness of car acceleration very often results into a tragic mishap. That explains how truly critical is a functioning and technically health break system is to a car's functional wellbeing.
Unlike when your car demands a bumper repair, brake issues are less conspicuous. However, one clear sign that your brake system already needs a "brake job" is when its linings are already way below the defined acceptable thickness as describe by the manufacturer in the car's manual. State agencies may also set certain standards on this matter so it is also best that you consider them. To arrive at a decision to replace brake linings then requires actual inspection of the brakes themselves.
Brake system may cause such peculiar maneuver behaviors like pulling, grabbing, softening pedal, vibrating pedal, strange noise come from somewhere in your car. While jumping to conclude that brake problem is the cause of these symptoms may be a wild shot, it is still more prudent to include the brake system when troubleshooting your car to determine the problem.
While some drivers and street mechanics talk about some supposed length of distance travelled wherein brakes should be accorded technical attention, it is actually an improbable proposition. Vehicles travel on different terrains, driven in different manners, loaded with different weights and maintained with varying consistency. All these play huge in the life span of a particular brake system and the wear and tear of its components.
However, there are parameters can be set and conclusions can be obtained based on specific mathematical conditions relative to that parameter. For instance, it has been determined that for a regular car normally driven on highways can allow its brake linings to last up to 70,000 miles. That is compared to 40,000 miles or less of car driven whose normal daily routine is slicing through stop-and-go city traffic.
Naturally, front brakes wear down faster than the ones installed at the rear. This is because as may be obviously observed, they handle most of the workload as the driver controls the car on travel. This is especially with minivans and other vehicles with maneuverability limitations and whose demand for control is greater than others. This is the reason why some car owners prefer to reline their front brakes more often as a way of saving maintenance expenses. This is alright as long as it is done without neglecting the rest of the brake system. That means even if the front section of the brake system gets the most attention, the rear part must also be checked as an integral part of the maintenance process. This will ensure that they will be given attention when it is their turn to warrant one.
Just like any mechanical repair procedure, a brake job is priced depending on the amount of needed to restore it to the tip of its technical health. Most of the ads found in signs and print media are then often misleading. This is because they are usually based on minor brake issues. On the contrary most early signs of a glitch in the brake system can seem minor. However upon closer examination, they are usually more serious than it seemed. This gap of perception can conflict between car owners and ordinary roadside car fixers.
Professional automotive mechanics however handles such situations by calmly explaining the facts of the repair process. Just like car bumper repairs, brake jobs can be demonstrated in simple terms by an experienced professional in a way that is easily comprehensible by even the least initiated of car owners.