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How To Run A Car On Water And Get More MPG

How To Run A Car On Water And Get More MPG

Richard Legg
2 August 2008

If you are one of the many drivers looking for ways to get more MPG from their cars then you have probably heard stories of Hydrogen Fuel Cars and how to run a car on water. These stories may sound like something from a Sci Fi magazine but hydrogen fuel cars are nothing new. In fact not only can you buy hydrogen car kits but there are also several downloadable manuals showing you precisely how to run a car on water.

Like I said, the know how to run a car on water is nothing new and has been around for many years, but due to the present oil crisis it has had a new lease of life. Hydrogen fuel cars (or cars that run on water) are just ordinary cars which are modified with a simple device to turn a small amount of water into HHO gas (sometimes called Browns gas).

This gas does not actually power the engine, but dramatically improves the efficiency of your ordinary fuel by being mixed with it. HHO gas is produced by the process of electrolysis using the current from your cars battery. This gas is then taken into the inlet manifold where it is mixed with your regular fuel and burned in the usual way.

In a normal engine, combustion is not very efficient; this is due to the large size of fuel droplets in the mixture. When HHO gas is added the oversized fuel droplets are split into smaller ones making a much finer mixture. The resulting very fine Hydrogen enhanced fuel burns more efficiently and powerfully, allowing you to get more MPG. This finer fuel mixture is said to be 3 times more powerful than ordinary gasoline.

Very little water is actually used for this process, about a quart of water is sufficient to provide up-to 1800 gallons of HHO gas. This can literally last for months allowing you to get more MPG as well as lowering exhaust emissions. It is also claimed that where Hydrogen fuel cars burn more cleanly they reduce the carbon build up in your engine, so increasing its running life.

There are several Hydrogen car kits available with a price tag of around $200, there are also many downloadable manuals and guides that give you all the information you need to make your own Hydrogen Generator. These step by step guides tell you how to obtain all the parts needed from local garages or Auto stores, and how to put them together easily with just a couple of hours work. This way you are getting the same result as the Hydrogen car kits but a lot cheaper.

Discover for yourself how to run a car on water and get more MPG with simple Step-By-Step guides to show you how. http://www.MoreGasMPG.com/

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