How To DRAMATICALLY Reduce Your Fuel Cost By Running Your Car Or Truck On Water And Gas |
Crispin Camelo
11 August 2008
There has been a lot of talk on the internet and the press about hydrogen fuel-cell cars that essentially run on water. But after taking a closer look at water driven technology that runs a car 100% on water, it's clear that the cost of conversion and implementation results in spending even more than using the usual fuel for powering vehicles. It's just not economically feasible, yet.
However, many innovative experts suggest that there is a way to cost-effectively utilize this technology now. By powering your car with water in combination with gas or diesel will result in a low-cost "homemade" hybrid vehicle. This type of conversion will result in a dramatic savings of fuel, from 35% to as much as 75%. At this time, building a car from scratch that will run solely on water is still both costly and impractical. Instead, it's better to construct and install a simple device that will harness this hydrogen fuel technology and enable your car to run on water as well as gas. This can be done now and result in immediate savings. There is no need to alter your car's existing engine or even get a new hybrid car to enjoy these savings. The technology can work with virtually any car or truck.
To further explain, this technology involves building a simple home-made device that uses 12 volt power from your car's electrical system to separate water into a gas called HHO (consists of two parts Hydrogen + one part Oxygen). This HHO gas, also known as Hydrogen*Oxygen™ or "Hydroxy", burns very efficiently. The means it produces significant energy.
Probably the most amazing fact is that pound for pound HHO gas is far more potent than gasoline. Tests prove that HHO gas is 3 times more potent than gasoline. And it burns clean, no polluting exhaust.
By implementing this technology in your car, you effectively save money on fuel. Because you need to buy less of it, and you drive farther on the gas you do buy. Real-world estimates show that a typical HHO conversion could save you as much as $900 per year ($75 a month). With multiple cars and drivers in a family, the yearly savings increase dramatically. For companies that have a vehicle fleet of 50 cars and drivers in a company, the yearly savings can increase to as much as $50,000 per year.
Until the technology for running a car completely on water is off the drawing board and in the marketplace at a price that makes it practical to implement, utilizing this HHO technology is by far the best choice to save in the interim. Best of all, with the right information and a few easily obtained components, it can be utilized right now. So even if you can't yet save 100% of your gas usage, you can save around 50% now. It's worth doing.