Safe Pedestrian and Bicycle Paths |
Congressman Adriano Espaillat
Congressional Record: 115th Congress
2 November 2017
(Mr. ESPAILLAT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. ESPAILLAT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to express my greatest sorrow for the New Yorkers, their families, and visitors who were affected by the tragedy in Lower Manhattan just 2 days ago. I offer my sincere condolences and prayers to their family members. After this senseless and indiscriminate attack, Mr. Speaker, we cannot wait for another tragedy to pass before we decide to better protect pedestrians and bicyclists, especially in areas of high foot traffic. The sidewalks and bike lanes of Times Square, the Financial District, and other city centers nationwide remain vulnerable. The STOP Act is a bipartisan bill that I have introduced, along with my colleague Congressman Dan Donovan from New York, just this last month and was recently introduced by Senator Gillibrand in the Senate. As we saw in Charlottesville, Barcelona, and in Times Square months ago, vehicles are increasingly utilized in terror attacks worldwide. We must prioritize the safety of our constituents first, including the safety of pedestrians and of our communities. The STOP Act will provide for the installation of bollards in areas of high foot traffic. This attack does not define New York, just as no other attack can crush the spirit of our city. We rise above those threats when we continue being a city that embraces people of all cultures and teaches love and respect.